chp. 1

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"Good Evening Mr.Harding. Mrs. Harding. You both look well, how's your little one?"

"She is well. What about your family, how are they?"

"They are great. You know we are getting ready to retire, my wife and I, so we are preparing the eldest the best we can. He..."
Delaney knows that these banquets are good for networking but he can't stand having to hear the same question and give the same response every time someone walks up to him. And now he is stuck listening to Mr.Malone rant about how his eldest son is as dumb as a rock. The same rant he's been giving since his son turned 20 and they announced that he'd be taking over the family business.

Delaney completely checks out as he continues to talk, letting his eyes wander around the room letting out hums of acknowledgment when needed. Lord knows he couldn't wait to go home. By no means was Delaney an introvert or a homebody but as of right now there is nothing more that he wished for than to be at home in bed or doing absolutely anything else really.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you would please return to your seats to be served dinner for the night. Please and Thank you." A lady on the mic announces from the stage. Everyone immediately scatters towards their seat. And Delaney couldn't be happier that the announcement was made when it was. If he had had to stand there any longer listening to the failures of Mr. Malones parenting he might just lose his ever loving mind.

Dinner was served; plates of steak, greens and mash potatoes doused in gravy placed in front of every attending guest. Everyone was sat, the room filled with chatter and laughter as everyone ate and spoke amongst their table mates. The only good thing Delaney can say came of this Banquet was the food. Steak was his favorite food and that makes up for how awful his night had seemed to be going.


Dinner has been eaten and tables are now being cleared of all plates and silverware. Leaving everyone to mingle once more  before they kick them out of the banquet hall. Delaney is standing by the bar nursing a cup of water. He drove to this event so he can't indulge in the stocked bar like he wants to, which is a total bummer because maybe if he had been slightly intoxicated he might've enjoyed his night just a little more.

His eyes catch a glimpse of familiar long curly hair turning the corner as he silently scans the room, eyes lingering on the hallway leading to the bathroom. He leaves his glass at the bar immediately following after the silhouette who seems to be in a rush; their strides short but fast. Before they can fully enter the bathroom his hands make a move to grab onto their waist fingers softly curling around it as he pulls them against him. He pushes them both into the bathroom, only letting go to lock the door behind them.

Bellamy walks forward, turning around to see who had just bum rushed her into the bathroom, so she could cuss and yell and scream because theres no way this wasn't some form of harassment, especially seeing as she knew no one here and the person she came with wouldn't feel comfortable doing this to her. Her dropped jaw had immediately clamped shut as she made eye contact with the one person whose presence she had avoided being in all night.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." Delaney compliments, exhaling slowly as to not die due to lack of oxygen. He can't help it, it seemed to be a recurring thing anytime he was around her. His eyes sparkled, breath caught in his throat and his hands would get too clammy.

"Mr. Harding..." Bellamy starts, but is interrupted immediately by Delaney.

"No. Shhh..." Delaney walks towards Bellamy as she walks away, cornering her against the bathroom wall.

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