I've finally confirmed my jaguar theriotype!! But lemme tell you what I did yesterday first!! So, yesterday was the last day of the exams, and we celebrated by going to a park before eating a buffet! The park had sprinklers, grass, dens, tunnels, treehouses, and loads of stuff a therian would absolutely love!! My parents don't know that I'm a therian tho this is an amazing coincidence! I didn't wear my gear there tho bc I was scared that I might be judged but it was all fine! My instincts told me to jump on the sprinkler and get wet before I did quads, so I did! I practiced my trot and my walk and absolutely failed at jumping XD. And I climbed lots of stuff too! So then we went to the buffet and I ate lots of dessert and sushi and more meat!! So I went home after at like 9:30 pm and went to shower before I did more research! And well, I suddenly remembered some blurry pics of jaguars in my mind! It wasn't a memory shift tho and it's hard to explain. Anyways, the jaguar in the pics just felt like...... me? So yeah, that's how I confirmed that I'm a jaguar! Pls tell me if anyone else has blurry pics of your theriotype(s) in your mind!
Diary of a Confused Feline Therian
No FicciónSO! I originally thought that I was a bengal cat therian. But after some reasearch, I've found that I was wrong about my theriotype! Read my diary to find out more!