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"I don't have one of them yet." he said looking at me

"Hmm you sure ?"I said with a smile

"Positive ."he said looking at me with a straight face taking a seat next to Desiree

"Well I have to use the little girls room."Desiree said standing from her seat and winked at me as I gave a slight laugh

It was quiet for a while until a cashier gave me our food

"Thank you."I said to the teenager who was really sweet

"Your welcome let me know if you need anything else." he said with a smile

"You miss home yet."he asked breaking the silence

"Only alittle things here has before slightly more fun then it normally when I visit in the summer."I said eating a piece of my buffalo boneless wings

"Well maybe one day I'll visit Newyork." he said taking a fry from my plate

"I think you should."I said with a smile

"But you know I'll need a tour guide right."he said sitting back in his seat

"Hmm they have those there ."I said looking at him

"Yeah but why pay for one when I have one who I can travel with ."he said looking me over

"Sorry y'all so what we talking about ."Desiree said sitting back down

"Nothing."I said looking down into my plate

"Mhmm ken you like my girl ."she asked as he looked at me

"Maybe ."he said completely staring at me

"Well maybe you should you know acted on it ."she said eating a fry as I looked at her before looking at him who didn't even blink

"What ?"I asked with a smile looking down

"Just wondering something ."he said cupping his hands together sitting forward

"Wondering what?" I asked looking at him

"If you like me to?"he said as Desiree smiled looking at me then him

"I don't know even know you yet."I said as he stood up

"Well I think she does."Desiree said looking at me then him

"Oh I know she does ."he said pushing the chair up as I smiled rolling my eyes

"So if you know then why ask ."I asked as he looked down at me

"Then you should get to know me and soon." he said as I looked into his eyes

" Why should i do that." I said grabbing a fry playing with me food

"Because you do like me probably just as much as I like you probably more." he said grabbing my chin pulling it up and rubbed my chin

Desiree sat back in her seat with a smile looking at him and me as I stared at him bitting my lip

"Hey ken man yo food done." the cashier said as he turned away to grabbed his food I was stuck just looking at him

"Thanks man ."Kendrix said before turning towards me ...

"You gonna join us ."Desiree said breaking the stare once again

"Naw I gotta get some shit done ."he said looking at us before heading towards the door .."Hey Eli Ill text you so we can get to know eachother better ."he said before leaving

I sighed looking at my food

"Damn girl you two for two I need to move to a new city I wanna be like you." she said with a laugh

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