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"Im fine ."I said grabbing a can of formula to make Kenai a bottle

" you sure you don't look like it ."Kinadey said looking at me as I just made the bottle not responding

"I thought we was gonna strictly give him breast milk ." Ken said as I shook the bottle

"Well you guys was bottle fed ." Kim said to Kendrix

"But we decided that for the first few months he was only getting ." Ken said before I snapped

"Well you don't have breast so how can you decide ." I said sitting the the bottle down

"I just thought ."he said before I cut him off

" you can't decide what I do with my body. Ken I've told you this to many times ." I said frustratingly

"I'm not trying to Eli I just thought that's what you wanted to do . I'll give him the bottle ." Kendrix said as I rolled my eyes

" naw you want me to feed him so bad I'll just do whatever king Kendrix want ."I said walking over to grab my son

"No it's fine ."Ken said as I furrowed

"So do you want me to do it or not Ken ."I snapped

"No not if you're gonna snap at me ." He said before I could respond he's mom interrupted

"Okay stop what's wrong Eliana ."Kim said to me

"Nothing I'm fine ."I said putting my hand on my head

"But you're not Eli ."Ken said before I became fully angry

" I'm just sick of being asked if I'm okay I'm not okay I want things to be how they was ,you want me to be 100 percent and I'm always stuck here with your son and up all night with him my life didn't include me becoming a mom at 21 and definitely didn't include a man that only wants me to do what he wants ."I snapped

"Do you want to talk to me about everything bothering you ?" Kinadey said touching my shoulder

"Yeah maybe we help you ." Kim said

" you don't have to feed him Eli I can do it we can do whatever you want to do. I swear Im not trying to make things hard for you just tell me what you want ."Kendrix said as I just closed my eyes

"I just need want to be left alone ."I snapped walking out the kitchen giving him the bottle

"Wait .Ma can you ?"ken said giving her Kenai

"Yeah ."Kim said grabbing him

"Eliana wait ."Ken said grabbing my hand

"What Kendrix I just want a break can't I just have that ."I said turning towards him

"Look if it's about the milk . I'm sorry I'm trying to force you into anything."Kendrix said

"Kendrix all you fucking do is force me into everything into being a mom into putting everything I want on the back burner for your dreams ."I shouted

"So you don't want to be a mom that bad ?" He said as I didn't respond " so why didn't you just not be one ?"he said

"Because I wanted to make you ass happy and give you what you wanted ."I yelled

"Well if you don't want us so bad then fucking leave ? Since you don't love him enough to want to be around"he shouted back

"I didn't say that I didn't love my son I love my son Ken.I just want fucking help ." I yelled into his face

"Heyy. Both of yall quit it Kendrix ."Kim said giving Kinadey Kenai . " Kendrix I've been here for a month and I've noticed you to don't have that spark I saw when I first met you Eli Kendrix literally everyday you've been at the club or the restaurant you need to be here all day everyday what if I wasn't here to help , And Eli having a baby when you didn't plan to have doesn't mean you was ready and it doesn't mean you don't love him you love him your just tired and it's okay to be tired okay ."Kim said  to us both as I just stood there along with Ken. " now look you guys love eachother and you love that little boy because if you didn't he really wouldn't be here ." She said as Ken turned to me about to say something before I let my rage over come me

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