꒱⁠+.˖⁠♡ BIGGER?

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"It's seems like he's interested in Kira over there."
I said looking at Kira as he jaw opened at the sight of Hector.

"He's so fucking hot in person."
Kira said as she began to droll as I laughed and so did y/n.

"Bet you they will be dating by the end of the month."
Y/n said as I chuckled softly at her little bet.

"Bet ."
I said as Kira wiped her droll and got up.

"I'm gonna go say hi.."
She said as she got up and did he model walk.

Hectors pov:

I saw, her walking up to me.. god she was beautiful.

She ruffled her hair as she walked like a a model, and slightly chuckled .

She came up to me, oh shit .

"Hey, I saw your training.. and I wanted to saw your pretty good looking."
She said as she looked at me with the most seductive look on her face .

Oh yeah she had me seduced .

"Oh uh, thanks  for that . Your pretty good looking as well."
I said as I fake chuckled.. I was acting pretty awkward.

"Oh why thank you."
She said tucking some hair behind her ear.

"And your name is?."
I asked as I looked at her in the eyes.

"Kira, Kira Skye."
Kira said, that was such a beautiful name.

I looked at lamine and y/n in the back as they looked at us while sharing a bucket of popcorn while sitting next to each other watching us as if they're watching a movie.

"Beautiful, I'm Hector."
I said as I gave her a charmful look.

"I'm gonna act as if I didn't know that."
Kira said as she chuckled at herself.

Wait, what did she mean by that.

"Huh?" - Hector.
"Huh?" - Kira.
"What?" - Hector.
"What?" - Kira.

We went on as then we saw Xavi shouting at us to start the game as I looked at lamine as he looked quite annoyed.

"While see you miss Kira."
I said as I grabbed her handed and gave her a peck as she blushed and chuckled.

Lamine then came as we went to start the match, Kira went back to y/n.

Y/ns pov.

"I'm never washing my hand again."
Kira said as she looked at the hand Hector kissed as I bursted out in laughter.

Then the match began as the ref blew the whistle.

The match was pretty boring until Hector got kicked with the ball into his balls.

he said as he fell onto the floor and started rolling around.

Me and Kira bursted out laughing as I almost fell into the pitch as Kira catched me as we continued to laugh once again.

After that Joao Felix scored and celebrated right in our faces since we paid for seats right by the pitch .

I did enjoy it although.

He then winked at he and looked at lamine.


I said as Joao ran back to Lamine, what the fuck was that?.. well no questions asked.

The match ended about 20 minimum later as me and Kira went to go find wena to say hello..

We went the to little spot of where wena would usually interview.

And of course she was there, so we waved at her and she waved back and we were going to go say hello but then her boyfriend came up to her and yeah, didn't want to ruin the moment.

"I'll go to lamine, you can go.. do whatever."
I said as I waved and Kira and went up to Lamine.

"Hey lamine!"
I said as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Sup (insert nickname for you) ."
He said as I blushed slightly at the nickname.

I noticed that the paparazzi was taking photos of us as I then entered inside of the building so that the paparazzi could leave us alone.

"Anyway, after the goal Joao scored.. why did he wink at me then look at you?"
I said as I gave him a more serious look.

"I don't know."
He said really fakely as he shrugged his shoulders as he noticed alejandro by the locker room then looked at an imaginary watch.

"Ah! Look at the time!"
He said running off to alejandro.

"Weird ."
I said as I went to go find Kira. But I never expected to see her doing was she was.

Kiras Pov:

After y/n litterly left me for Lamine I went to go find Hector so I could try to get his number or something.

After finding him somewhere on the pitch , I stood next to him with a smile.

"Hii Hector!"
I said as I wrapped my hand around his shoulder.

"Oh hey Kira."
He said wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me closer as I chuckled slightly at him.

"So, the part where you got kicked in.."
I said jokingly as I looked at him with a smirk.

"Ah, it still hurts ."
He said as he looked kind of nervous.

"Awhh does it really hurt that bad? Maybe I .. could you know.. help."
I said as I smirked and looked at him .

"W-what do you.. mean ?"
He said as I chuckled and sat onto his lap.

"You'll se-"
I said as I saw y/n looking at me with the most traumatized look.


Kira 👀.. guys go read tension. RIGHT NOW.

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