Chapter 1

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You woke up in the small motel you had rented the night before, you stretched as you began to stand on the carpet floor. You looked at the clock which read 5:30 am. 'Perfect, I'll have enough time to get to the beach, before the sun rises, and the be able to set up.' You began to walk into the bathroom where you began to brush your (your hair color) hair. You then brushed your teeth, you cringed as the too flavorful mint toothpaste. 'Note to self next time I buy tooth paste don't buy something so minty." You made a mental note to yourself as you spat out the mint flavored goo. You then opened your luggage bag, and took out some of your shirts, most of them had something on them. 'Do I want something from a tv show, or an Internet meme.' You thought, it was so hard to decide then decided to where, your Pepe the frog shirt, after you put you under ware on and the shirt, you put on a pair of jeans and your good sneakers you had a big day ahead of you. You were going to take a picture for this blog you were working on, and maybe get the attention of a magazine and get some money, you were currently living off some money your parents had gave you, and spent a good chunk of it off a van and on equipment, to use to take picture. You then you got all you belongs into your luggage, and put your van keys and your phone in your pant's pockets. Then you straightened up the sheets on the bed a little, you knew that they would put clean sheets on but you did anyway. You left you're room, you had paid the night before, so you could leave right then without having to wait for anyone to come to the front desk. You walked out of the motel, it was still dark outside, you hummed a small tune to yourself as you walked to your (f/c) painted van, you checked the back to make sure nothing was stolen, broken, or something like that. You then walked to the driver side of the van and got in. You started it up, then it stalled, you tired again. It decided to start the second time. 'Now I have to get my van checked, don't want this van to just stop working and being stranded.' You then began to back out of the parking space, and got on the main road. You plugged your phone up and put your music on shuffle, you sang with every single song, you knew most of them by heart. As you drove towards beach city, this is where you were going to get your pictures for your blog, the place had a beach, and you didn't see alot of pictures on the internet about it, one of the few pictures you had been able to find was taken by someone who lived in the town. Also there was a small motel outside the town, but you where planing on sleeping in you van, you had created a bunch of pillows you usually slept on, when you went on trips. You hadn't slept in it the day before because you hadn't seen any places that looked safe to park your van, and sleep. You saw the moon was slowly going down, you couldn't see the sun come up, as you past a corn field that looked like someone drove something threw it. 'I should checked that out later, but I better hurry to the beach before the sun rises.' You thought as you drove past the past a sign that welcomed you to the city. You saw that most of the city was on a broadwalk or something like that. You saw the beach, and straight road to it, and that the sun wasn't rising yet. You drove onto the beach, the sand didn't sink as you drove over it, as some of your previous beaches you've been to had done. As you got close to the water you parked your van jumped out got your camera and placed it on a sand you had. You began to position it. You then realized something strange the water had a slight green tint, it wasn't a dirty green, it look beautiful to you. You snapped a picture to make sure, that it was talking pictures clearly. It was, you would have to wait to pint any out on this camera, you did have one that printed pictures right after it was taken, you would use that one latter. The sun seemed to raise out of the horizon, you quickly began to take the pictures, then when the sun beams began to hit the water. You where in awe, as you saw the green water turn orange, with a blue tint as. You kept taking pictures, making sure the camera was getting it, it was and it was just as breath taking. You then saw a shadow of, a giant woman rising out of the water. "That's not right.' You thought as you began to tilt the camera getting pictures of the strange shadow. As the shadow rise you saw that waves began to come. It wasn't like normal waves, there were huge. You kept taking the pictures, you felt excited that you were getting all of this on film, or picture proof. You then fear took your heart as you saw a green hand began to come out of the water, the the ocean shot the thing in the air. You didn't get a good. You quickly turned your camera to the sky and kept taking pictures hoping to get at least one good picture of this. You then saw it looked like a giant woman, as you saw it beginning to fall towards a house on the cliff, then the woman began to split into two. 'Oh my god what heck is going on, is that lady ok.' You kept taking pictures. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" you heard from the mysterious splitting woman, it sounded like two people. As it split, there was no guts, but I looked like two rocks. You saw on land towards the house, the other one flew somewhere onto the beach. You looked at the house where you saw one of the rocks to on the cliff and then saw what looked like a boy, he grabbed the rock that had fell in front of the house, he looked at the beach then he looked at you, he kept looking at you he seemed tense as he did this. You waves towards him, he seemed to relax as he waved back and ran back into the strange house. You then went back to the van and you the climb into the back of the of it, and you kept the back door opened. You then turned the car on, and turned the air conditioning on. You took the sd card out of the camera, and got your laptop out and put the sd card into the laptop, turned it on and began to look at the picture, you were proud as you saw most of them were in such good quality. There was a couple of blurry ones that you would deleted. You then got to the pictures with shadow woman. Questions began to fooled your head. 'Who is she, why was she in the water, why did it seem the water shot her out, why did those two rocks come out of her.' You asked yourself. You then got to the pictures that had the mysterious woman. You zoomed in getting a better look at you, you saw she had green skin with green stripes. 'How did she get her skin looking like that, I mean if it was body paint wouldn't it have washed off.' You question her skin in your head, then you let out a gasp as you saw she had a bunch of arms, before you could question this you saw 4 figures stand in front of the van, you turned towards them . You the got to see the 4 figures, the first one was a tall woman and had a square hair cut, and woman with a long nose and ballerina shoes, the next girl was short and purple and had weird hair, and a the boy from earlier with a tee shirt with a star. 'This town must love their body paint.' You then waved up them. "Um hey is there a problem or something." You said awkwardly. "Yes, we were wondering if saw someone else on the beach?" The tall one question her voice had a little British accent, it was very calm. "Um there was giant green woman who shot out of the water and turned into two rocks." You said recalling the event that had happen a couple of minutes before. "Did you see where they went." The woman with the long nose, "one went towards the house on the cliff and the other, I think it might be somewhere on the beach." You said shutting your laptop off. "Ok, so Jasper must be somewhere on the beach." The tall spoke to the others. "Ok, so we have lapis, Peridot is somewhere, and Jasper is on the beach. Well at least we have lapis now." The boy said smiling. "Hey, I'll be here for a couple of weeks if I see this Jasper I'll tell you guys." You stated laying against one of your pillow chairs. "I don't think we will need your help?" The one with the long nose said coldly. "Don't be like that pearl we can all ways use help." The boy said still smiling. "Oh by the way I'm Steven, and this is Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. We are the crystal gems and we protect the world." He explained to you. "Oh I'm (Y/N) and I'm a photographer in training." You said smiling back. "Really so you take pictures of stuff, I could show you some really cool places, can I Garnet please." He begged grabbing on to one of Garnet's legs. "Not right now Steven, maybe later." Garment said to the boy. "Right well now we have to check on Lapis, Bye (Y/N)" he said waving as her and the other crystal gems left. "Bye, Steven see you later." You said as you turned your laptop on and began to go threw the pictures.
(Time skip sponsored by Lime Dorrito)
As you finished you saw it the sun was about to set you then took out you camera the printed pictures after you printed them and a bag, you go out of your van and began to take pictures. You did this and it was now dark,you were about to go back to your van, but then you tripped on something and fell on your face. You got up and dusted yourself off, you then saw what had tripped you it was shinning in the moon light, it was an orange rock. 'Was this Jasper, should I go to Steven and his friends, but they should be asleep right now, and I don't want to walk all the way up there, it won't hurt to wait.' You said to yourself as you took the rock and went into your van, you closed the door took the pictures you had taken out of the bag and lined them up. You the laid the gem on a pillow and went to sleep.

When you woke you you saw siting next to the most muscular woman you had ever saw in your life, she looked down at you her head touching the top of the van with her sitting down an look that could kill anyone. "You pathetic human let me out of this prison right now." She lashed out at you, you froze up and you began to scream.

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