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I could tell Percy was nervous. His ADHD was showing even more, he was fidgeting with anything that he could reach to and his leg was bouncing up and down super quickly. I tried distracting him, but his attention span was even shorter than usual.

The taxi arrived to Percy's apartment. I have no idea how five people live in there, it looks so small (when I asked him about it, he said 'mAgIc '. I held Percy's hand in mine and gave him a re-assuring squeeze. He drew a shaky breath and knocked on the door. I could hear someone shouting "I'm coming!" and then the door opening.

Sally stood there, one hand on the door for support and the other covering her mouth, in shock. Tears had started to form on both of their eyes.

"Hey mom," Percy nearly whispered to her.

She hugged him with such force, that I'm sure she could have cracked a rib or two if that was her intention. Percy stumbled back a bit but hugged her back either way. She then looked him up and down, searching for and injuries or changes in her youngest son. I stood slightly at the back, a small smile on my face.


It sounded like a stampeed of elephants was coming. Instead, a black haired boy with glasses and a brown haired boy appeared. The brown haired boy (who I suspect is Peter) ran up to Percy and trapped him in a bear hug. But Harry had a different reaction. He didn't run up to Percy, he didn't break a smile, he didn't hug him. His face darkened as his eyes squinted at Percy.

"State your full name and something that only my brother would know," Harry demanded, pointing a stick at Percy's face.

Peter and Sally immediately separated from Percy. Peter was about to protest when Percy groaned in (what I guess) was frustration and annoyance.

"My full name is Perseus Achilles Jackson. A thing that only I would know and not an impostor, is that you are a wizard and Peter is Spider-Man." I'm quite confused, who is Spider-Man? Wizards exist?! And... SPIDER!?

Harry put his wand away and trapped Percy in another tight hug, ocasionaly giving him a few brotherly kisses. Harry then pushed Percy slighlty away and started to inspect him. He then hugged him again and held him close, a few tears were noticable behind his glasses.

"When mom contacted me two months after I went on the horcrux hunt, telling me that you had disappeared, I was so tempted to give up my hunt and go and search for you. I thought I had lost you!"

"Oh Harry," Percy muttered, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I would've contacted you guys, but Hera kidnapped me, gave me amnesia and placed me in a Roman camp and after that it was a chain reaction."

Harry's eyes were scary, and that's coming from me. His green toxic eyes had fires in them, burning with hatred. "But that doesn't matter!" Percy quickly, obviously seeing Harry's eyes. "I've brought someone with me. Everyone, this is Annabeth Chase, my girlfriend!"

Everyone's eyes turned to me. I stood awkwardly in my corner from where I was observing everything. Sally was giving me a kind smile, Harry was glaring slightly at me and Peter was bouncing up and down about to say something. But before any of them could do or say anything else, we were interrupted by some cries.


I had just discovered that my youngest brother Percy was alive and had a girlfriend. I had seen Annabeth Chase a few times around camp and had had a few converstaions. The poor girl had been friends with Luke and had gone through so much (there's nothing bad about that, just the fact that Luke betrayed other demigods, even if he died a hero).

I was going to ask a few questions about this when a cry interupted us. TEDDY! Merlin's soggy socks! I had forgotten about him with the whole Percy coming back issue. I quickly ran back inside and picked up the poor baby. Remus and Tonks had named me his godfather, and due to their deaths, he is now my reponsability. I carefully bounced him up and down, calming him down quickly.

I went to the kitchen to prepare him a bottle and saw that mom, Annabeth, Percy and Peter were in there. Percy froze and stared at Teddy, his mouth dropped open and his eyes were as big as plates.

"Percy, meet my godson, Edward Lupin or Teddy for short," I chuckled, "Teddy, meet your knew uncle Percy."

"Oh my gods," Percy gasped, "Can I hold him?"

I smirked, "Yeah, but don't drop him." I handed Teddy to Percy and started making the baby formula.

Percy yelped and dropped the baby. I quickly turned around, seeing Percy's shocked face, Peter about to catch him and Annabeth already on the floor with Teddy being held close to her chest. Teddy was giggling and his hair was the same colour as Percy's hair with some strands of the colour of Annabeth's hair.

I used some magic to bring Teddy to me. "Thanks Annabeth. And Percy, you had one job," I jokingly scolded him.

"H-his hair!" Percy shouted, pointing at Teddy (who was back in my arms and being fed).

"Yes, I know. He inherited it from his mum, he's a metamorphmagus. It basically means that he can change his physical appearance." I explained to him, he knew a lot of things about the wizarding world but he didn't know everything only the basics and a few more things, just as I know the basics about the gods and demigods, same with Peter and his muggle hero friends.

"That's so cool!" Percy exclaimed.

"I know right?!" Peter exclaimed back.

While they both exchanged their opinion about it, Annabeth made her way towards me. Mom was no longer in here, so I can only guess that she was calling Paul and filling him in with everything that had happened so far.

"Sorry about Percy dropping Teddy," she apologised.

"Nah don't worry 'bout it. But thanks for catching him." When I finished making Teddy burp, I cleaned him up a little and turn him to face Annabeth. "Teddy, meet your other knew aunt Annabeth." 

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