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Did Harry just name me one of Teddy's aunts?! Oh my gods!!! Does that mean that he accepts me as his brother's girlfriend? Oh I sure hope so.

"Can I hold him?" I asked Harry. Harry gave me a small smile while he handed me the baby and walked away. I carefully made my way to the living room and sat on the couch, holding Teddy close to me.

Teddy was the cutest and most adorable human ever to exist. He now had the same hair colour as me and the same eye colour too. He looked up at me, smiling so much that it will some day make it hurt his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile back at him. I immediately started to play around with him. Bouncing him on my knees, the typical pica-boo, singing songs, you name it.

"You're good with babies," Percy scared the shit out of me by saying this into my ear. How did he creep up to me like that?

And my response was to turn as red as a tomato while trying to glare at him. "Seaweed Brain!"


We spent the next hour explaining everything that had happened since I disappeared until now. Hera, Camp Jupiter, Octavian killing my panda, going to Alaska with Hazel and Frank, the Argo II, the prophecy, the seven (Leo, Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Piper, Jason and me), all the places we've been, Annabeth and I falling to Tartarus, the Mark of Athena, Nico returning Athena's statue to Camp Half-Blood with Reyna and Coach Hedge, little Chuck, the fight against the titans and primordial with the gods, the fight against Gaea in camp, the Romans attacking us, Octavian's death, Leo's death and Leo coming back to life.

I told them every single detail, no matter what happened. In the end, Teddy had fallen asleep, Harry had this dangerous aura around him while he muttered hexes and curses that he could put on the everyone that had harmed us, mom was crying silently as Peter held on to her, shedding some tears of his own. Annabeth was silent, holding my hand for comfort. She was barely crying, but she was hugging me for comfort.


It was all so... sad. All the deaths just because of how idiotic people in power could be. I'm not talking about the gods, so please Lord Zeus don't zap me. I'm talking about people like Octavian, the titans and primordial. It reminds me of Ultron, the Chitauri, Zemo and HYDRA.

When Percy had finished telling his story, I was holding on to mom, crying my fair share of tears. Little Teddy had fallen asleep in Harry's arms, giving us all a reminder for what we fight for. 

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