Chapter 1: Family

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Chase's POV 

"Give me back my phone!" I hear my older sister, Bree screams to my brothers. I see Leo running into the mentor quarters with Bree's phone in his hands. Adam comes in with his arms wrapped around Bree, who was struggling to break free from my brother's hold. "I was talking to Caitlin about what's been going on at school! Give it back!" I cringe at hearing Caitlin's name. I still don't understand how Bree can be friends with someone as creepy as Caitlin. 

"Well, I don't care! I need to call Janelle to apologize about what happened when she came to the island, since that dog peed on and destroyed Shelley!" Leo retorted as he tries to get into Bree's phone. 

"Hey, Otis was an awesome dog and he needed to go!" Adam shouted back at Leo. Meanwhile, I feel like exploding. Them shouting about absolute nonsense was really annoying, not to mention the fact that I was getting a headache because of my bionic hearing acting up. 

"Chase! Can you get me my phone back?" Bree screams at me. I plug my ears at her screeching, but reluctantly get up if it means that I get peace and quiet around here. 

"Chase, I need to make a call to Janelle. My whole relationship with her is at stake right now. Just one phone call," Leo pleads. Knowing Leo's relationship with Janelle, he needs to do this in order to fix things with her. So decide to make a compromise. 

"Look, if you give me Bree's phone, you can use mine to call Janelle," I offer. I take my phone out of my back pocket and show it to him. He reluctantly hands over Bree's phone and takes mine from my awaiting hand. I turn around and hand Bree her phone back. She smiles and super speeds away to somewhere else in the academy. Not even a 'thank you'? Really? 

"Don't expect anything in return, dude. Since when have we ever returned you a favour?" Adam said, as if he read my thoughts. He passes me by and heads to his capsule. 

"Adam, it's three in the afternoon. We still have to teach students until six," I tell him. He should know this, considering the fact that we've been mentors for a good few weeks now and the routine has been the same every day. 

"Yeah, about that. I was hoping that you could take over for me. I miss having mid-class naps at Mission Creek," he replies as he closes his capsule. I roll my eyes. Great, now I have to teach twice as many students and half of them are far stronger than me. What could possibly go wrong? 

When Mr. Davenport told us that we were going to be mentors a few weeks ago, I thought that I would finally get the respect that I deserved. I could use my mission leader skills to good use. I could be looked up to by the students and be respected far more than I have been by Adam and Bree. 

But it's been the total opposite. I've lost almost all of my respect, almost none of the students listen to me and I appear childish compared to Adam and Bree. Especially after the rebellion, any respect that I had before had been completely demolished. No one trusts me with anything nor listens. Even the students that listened to me before refuse to listen and want to be mentored by either of my siblings. It's so unfair. Just because I'm the youngest mentor, doesn't mean that I'm the least mature. I mean, Adam can't keep a straight face for long and jokes every five minutes. Now I have to teach students that won't listen to a thing I say and will end up using me as a punching bag. 

Grabbing my mentor jacket from the couch, I run out to the training area full of awaiting students. Most were just talking away in small groups, ignoring my presence. 

"Chase! You're late! Your class has been waiting for you and were getting impatient. Why can't you be on time like Bree?" I hear a voice yell to me. I turn around and come face to face with Mr. Davenport. He had that disappointed look on his face, something that I always see whenever I talk to him. 

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