Special chapter ( Your Gentleman)

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            "In a world of boys he's a gentleman"


It was another regular day of working and meeting clients, dealing with share market and other business stuff. Meeting other CEOs and going on press conferences every month was something which I got used to a lot.

But ever since Luca entered my life, my life has found a balance and peace. Instead of being greeted by a silent and cold house, I'm greeted with kisses and hugs from this special person.

My love.

With that being said, I was ready to leave the office to pick up Luca for our mall date. He wanted to buy some stuff for our home and how can I ever refuse to spend time with him?

Any given moment, I was ready to surrender myself entirely to him.

Suddenly I get a call and when I saw who it was, my smile widened even more.

"Tyler~" God. God. How beautiful his voice is, how mesmerizing his soul is, how magnificent his existence is.

"Hello my love, I'm leaving right now to pick you up. Are you ready?"

"Yes! Be ready cuz I may make your wallet cry a little". He giggles at the end, making me smile at his words.

"My wealth is your wealth Mia Cara, anything you want". 

I could practically imagine his blushing face behind the phone. So fucking cute.


"Yo Ty! We got the statement from last year-

Kyle and Noah entered the office and before they could even say anything, they saw him smiling on the phone, completely out of this world. Both the men simply smiled at their boss.

"Someone is really in love". Noah chuckles. "We both aren't any better dude". Kyle follows with his laugh.


"So we need to get some plants and wall decorations and....oh! New mugs as well". He spoke his list of items as we were walking towards the home center. Our hands intertwined with each other and my eyes refusing to move away from him.

"And- Umm Tyler? Is there something on my face?" He asks with confusion. I nod my head in response and move closer to his ear, "You're looking way too beautiful". I whisper.

There he goes being all pink. He playfully slapped my arms and dragged us inside the home center, making me laugh at his adorable behavior.

The whole time I watched him carefully choose mugs, plants and other home goods. The way he checks for any imperfections, the way he squints his eyes if he finds anything suspicious.

I've turned into cheese.

"Alright that's about it, let's pay for these". He smiles as he pushes the trolly towards the checkout counter.


"Omg Tyler you really didn't have to book such an expensive restaurant". Luca complained as he still felt slightly out of the zone by being inside such a luxurious restaurant. But I wanted to treat him and I wasn't gonna hear a no.

"Well I love to spoil my darling so I don't see no harm in making you feel like a prince". I stare across at him from our table and he shyly looks at the menu, probably trying to choose the least expensive dish.

"Mia Cara please don't feel like you need to choose something inexpensive. I'm here at my own will to treat you tonight. Just enjoy, I like seeing you happy".

"You're so sweet Tyler, but if you don't mind....can we umm have a drink together?" He asks with hesitation.

Why the fuck wouldn't I want to have a lovely drink with my husband?

"Of course we can baby, go ahead and finalize your order while I ask for the drink. But you sure you can handle it?" I playfully ask at the end and he scrunches his face in offense.

"Pffft! Of course I can, I'm a man and I can handle it" He sassily says, making me smirk. Oh I just know what will happen.

"Sure honey as you wish".


Well well what did I say?

"Tyyyyyyyyyleeeeeer". He stretches my name as he clings onto my side as we walk out of the restaurant with so many eyes on us, but I couldn't care about them. Luca is damn adorable when he's drunk.

"I told you that you wouldn't be able to handle it".

"Whyyy are youuu so handsomeee?? You're so strong and muscular and- and....oh noo I forgot". He sadly says at the end, well almost in a crying voice.

Somehow I managed to get him inside the car as he cried that I was gonna leave him all alone in the parking area.
"I'm never gonna leave you baby, come on let's go home".

He whined a lot and pouted like a baby. Of course I couldn't stop myself and gave him a kiss to which he smiled again as if a baby got his first soft toy.

The drive was so chaotic. Luca kept singing and slurring in between, laughed and cried, clung onto my arm and good lord, he even tried to climb onto the driving seat.

"Come on baby, we reached. Let's go inside". He whined loudly and I swear it was like taking care of a literal baby. He brought his arms out, signaling me to carry him and who was I to say no to that?

Swiftly picking him up, he instantly tucked his head into my neck, nuzzling close as his arms hung around my neck and my warms beneath his knees. Sighing with content I placed a kiss on his forehead before opening the door, making sure that he doesn't fall.

Once inside and the door shut, I brought him inside our room and placed him on the bed. I took off my overcoat and shoes and untied my tie before taking off Luca's shoes. I go to the closet to pick out a comfortable pair of sweatpants and change him into that.

Suddenly he got up, still very drunk and wrapped his arms around my neck while straddling me.

"Yuuu not doing anything to meeee?" He asked with that same slurred voice. I smiled softly and pecked his cheeks. "You're drunk baby, I won't do anything if you're not in your senses".

"Buut I'm your husband....you can do at anytime noo?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It doesn't matter if you're my husband and that we've done it multiple times. I need your consent in your fully conscious state".

"Hmmm....y-you're sooo..." *zzz*

He rested his head on my shoulder and dozed off. Gently, I lay him down and slowly remove his shirt because I know he doesn't like sleeping with a shirt on.

He prefers us to cuddle shirtless and I was not the slightest bit bored by it.

Quickly I change into my sweatpants only and climbed onto the bed and laid next to him, bringing him close to me. His head on my chest as he snored his way to dreamland.

Placing one final kiss on his cheek I whisper, "Goodnight baby, I'm always here and forever will be here with you".

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