Le accent et languages.

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So SOMEONE- (looking at you bella!) decided to "convince/ persuade" me to write this-

thing abt how many languages ik 

Ik German, a lot of words but im pretty sure my grammar is BELOW SHIT LEVEL.

Ik French, but like le ACCENT is terrible so u wont understand anyways 🤷‍♀️

Ik arabic, but i ALMOST failed this term- 15/30

Ik Tamil, Its my mother tongue except I CAN ONLY SPEAK!

Ik Malyalam, only speaking!

Ik how to say KUTHI in hindi, so does that count? idk.

uhhhhhhh thats pretty much all the languages ik now its time for all the  A M A Z I N G  A C C E N T S  i can do...

*drum role*

1. The british accent- I AM FUCKING AMAZING AT THISSSSSSSS i have WAYYYYYY to manny friends in the uk, and i speak to them A LOT so it was only natural i picked up their absurd way of talking...

Nott_merlinn has a british accent btw!

2.the AUSSIE ACCENT- Idk why i can do it PERFECTLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY but like I CANnnn and everytime i shout  (which is almost ALL THE TIME) I use this accent bc people will just be like "huh? wtf did she have an accent before?"

3. THE SUSSY 😏 ACCENT- Whoever has met me irl or is close friends w me online KNOWS I HAVE MASTERED THIS ONE! If your friends with me and your innocent- your not gonna be anymore....if you dont have a dirty mind then YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT UNDERSTAND ALL THE HIDDEN MEANINGS IN MY SENTENCES! the only person so far who has ALMOST gotten EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE is Nathan...and he USED to be the innocent one 😭💀.

I think thats it? bye see y'all later and keep being seggsy so i can check you out every time ur on wattpad.

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