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When you're as rich as I am getting into places isn't as hard as they're supposed to be. It also isn't hard to get into high-end boutiques that rip you off for the same clothing a local designer can make the only difference is the publicity.

Here I stood overlooking the stage as his name was being announced. He looked handsome in his black gown as he walked across the stage to collect his degrees. He was also voted valedictorian which was to no surprise.

Alessio was bright no doubt, his three degrees proved that. Alessio graduated with his bachelor's in Architecture, Economics, and Computer Sciences. 

When I found out Alessio had dropped business as his major and had it kept off the books to prevent his parents from finding out, I knew he'd need much more support than Giano could provide so I had him contact a few of their friends, and trust me it was a few.

I wired ten grand to Gi's account this morning, he's going to take the guys out after their ceremony and Alessio's confrontation with his now pissed-off parents.

I mean imagine waking up from your sleep to a bank statement of one and a half mil charged to your account when it was only supposed to be seven hundred and fifty thousand from your kid's college administration department.

You thought you'd be paying for his business major and have him take over the company when the time was right and then it'd all be destroyed by a single email. 

It wasn't hard to tell the outcome of that finding especially now when his parents were telling him off in front of his fellow schoolmates. I knew it'd be hard on him, with the news from Bimbo and the pictures of proof solidifying her accusations a few hours later.

Although I knew I was nowhere near ready to see him, it had to be done but maybe I could stay hidden just a little longer. I could probably swing by during their congratulatory party at the Lakers game.

Turns out Alessio and Giano were huge fans and so were their friends and as I said being as rich as I am, tickets were no issue. 

I stayed until they all threw their caps and was sent an "I got him." message from Gi. 

I paid off the clerk at the administration's office and she transferred back the money into his parents' account with an email stating it was a refund due to an anonymous donation made to the school covering six students' tuition. I also had her refund the five other parents to cover my tracks and also because I knew the parents spent their last on their kid's education and were now in debt.

Once she was finished I left for Nevernight to deal with paperwork and inventory just to make sure my books were straight.

I loved being a businesswoman, besides the money, the experience and knowledge you acquired were quite amazing. I have approximately one hundred and sixteen businesses running worldwide.

I just prefer Nevernight over the latter. Although the pros were "proing" the cons were a pain in the ass especially when I had to deal with lowlife scums that try to ambush my operations because they didn't like a little competition.

Every place I've owned held the highest stakes, no matter the venture. I knew how to make money and I knew how to make it fast and clean. I've only ever dealt with dirty money when it came to trafficking.

After seeing the shit women go through when I was a kid I knew I wanted to be in a position where I can help.

Before Matteo died we always talked about it, I've always told him I'll open an organization that'll protect trafficked persons, especially women and children.

We'd talk for hours and he'd help me come up with ideas instead of belittling my dreams and now I'm proud to say my dream came through.

Before I decided to branch out from Nevernight, I hired a few cartel workers here in Miami for information on trafficking within their establishment and they've helped me ever since.

I eventually expanded and now we've saved around two hundred thousand trafficked victims and provided them with the money used to pay off their traffickers.

After that, I decided to open multiple businesses around the world to help with income so I could provide houses for them.

Over the years my businesses excelled and now I deal with more than you can ever dream of.

Besides helping trafficked victims, I've built multiple shelters and homes for both kids and adults, there are also various charities and schools that I donate to.

Growing up black helped me see the world for what it is, I know a lot of people tend to believe being rich solves all your problems and believe it helps a lot but it doesn't solve it entirely.

Even when I came to Miami people tried to shit on me because of my skin color. Something I couldn't have chosen and even if I could I'd still choose to be the way I am.

The world was programmed in a way to have a majority and a minority and most of the time the minority tends to be persons of a darker skin tone.

If you see a black guy on the road you'd assume he chose drugs and ended up on the streets, you'd think he deserved it.

No help would be given when in reality he lost his home to eviction because he couldn't find a job to pay for rent, hence ending up on the streets.

I've seen it firsthand.

The world needs more compassion for the sake of the nation otherwise we're all fucked, black or white.

This is why I try to help out wherever I can because as much as it could have been worse, it can get better.

After finishing my books I took a bath, changed, and headed out to meet Giano and his friends, dreading the encounter between Alessio and I.

With all the shit we go through in life it tends to make us bitter, from crying every night, to praying, to crying again and then relishing when it gets better because believe.

It gets better.

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