Doha airports were not famous for any order and harmony. A huge number of people scurrying back and forth prevented from seeing anything. Sarah stood in the waiting area with Alejandro, getting on her socks and looking out for a familiar figure in the crowd. In this time, Adelaide should have already passed the passport control. The girl was also eager to visit this cherished world championship and support her teammates from the Portuguese national team, and in addition to have fun with her friends.
Finally, a familiar face is shown in the crowd, and Hernandez immediately rushed to meet her, almost immediately enclosing her friend in a strong embrace. The girls haven't seen each other for quite a long time because of the injury of a Spanish girl. Both of them didn't have enough time for such usual meetings: Sarah was recovering all this time, and Ada was missing because of trainings. And now their hearts became warm only from the one realisation that there were several weeks ahead of them together.
— That's it, that's it. — Ale takes the friends, hugging them both and directing them to the exit. — You'll still have enough time for this, we need to go.
The guy quickly takes a huge suitcase from his friend's hands and moves forward, showing the way. Of course, they all had something to discuss, and there was a lot of time for it. As well as, in fact, the long-standing plans. It seemed that every day in Doha was painted by the minute: visits to matches, excursions, trips to the city, parties in local clubs and a lot of other things. Both girls, and Balde himself, literally burned with impatience.
The most important event planned for today was an meeting of Barcelona players. The guys wanted to get together with their old company, as they used to do at home, but they couldn't forget the representatives of the women's team either. Actually, that's why Sarah and Ada were invited to this private party. And to be completely honest, they were waiting for her the most.
After dropping the things in the room, the girls together with Ale immediately headed to the first floor, to the restaurant. The guys have long managed to book a separate room, hidden from prying eyes, so that no one would bother them. After chatting to her brother, where she would be tonight, Sarah ran to friends who were already waiting for her.
There were already several people in a small but cosy room. Frankie De Jong was sitting at the head of the table, stuck in the phone. On the left side of him was Pedri, who tried his best to steal the potatoes from the table; Alejandro almost immediately takes a place next to him. The girls were really no idea who was supposed to come up, but now it wasn't so important: the current company was quite comfortable for them. Ada walks to Frankie and sits next to him, Sarah takes a place after her friend.
The blonde starts a conversation at once. In this regard, it was quite simple with the guy: as soon as there was a topic that would really interest him, he himself led the dialogue in the right direction. Sarah was quite comfortable with him. Of course, the age difference sometimes interfered: De Jong was almost always more collected and responsible in all possible plans, but there were still moments when the guy allowed himself to be a child.
The conversation about the first days in Doha was interrupted by the rather loud arrival of Gavi. Was Sarah waiting for him? More yes than no. They haven't seen each other since on the beach, when Pablo was able to catch her in the most vulnerable state. That's probably why the girl's heart let go of the blow after the blow, as soon as the football player only appeared in the field of view.
Pablo crashes on the sofa, right next to the girl, and she immediately moves aside. No one paid much attention to him; everyone continued, and the guy only had to get into the conversation himself. But he, to tell the truth, didn't have the strength to do it. Exhausted after training, Gavi was only sneaking and noddding.

dumb blonde | pablo gavi
Fanfiction"i hate you" "you don't hate me" "i hate you even more than you can think" all right goes to @sandyshelby