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Everyone was standing in an abandoned place

Hank was mapping the place so he knew which way they were going .

"there's a Stockside Hooks gang, we don't know the names of the people yet a deal is going on inside an old school it's been abandoned for five years There is an abandoned building in front of the school when we go in I will take over me and Alvin West side Kevin, go with Adam, miller, and Jay, you'll go in together,"

Erin voice come from the radio ""We have a movement on the west side, a white man and a Latino, both 177 and 182 centimeters tall, with tattoos, and carry two large suitcases, and they came out of a black van with an Indiana license plate,"

" Copy that let's go " Hank said when he He put a radio near his mouth to answer Eren when the team heard what Hank said they go Towards school amber walk behind jay they stop when they see a door . Jay asked her To enter "Are you ready?" His answer, she shaking her head by meaning yes, before they opened the door, a shot came out of the door.
Amber came back behind to not get the shot jay turn the radio on and he said "The police were shot..." before he could complete His words.

He turn his Head to amber who was are ready broke the door handle by her gun.
They found that they some group of guys were escaping. Some of them come out from the window and the last ran out of the room .

"I will take care of it." Amber said when she run behind who run out from the room They went down the stairs, followed by Amber until they reached one of the departments where she found that Adam and Kevin They caught them she told them when she go walk
away from the place"I'm going to find Jay"

she she heard a gunshot. She quickly ran to a place. looking at the place and found young children crying, some of woman looked terrified, and one of the kids was lying on the ground. Someone had shot him .she run to her " hey stay with me " There was a woman holding the kids in fear amber told her to give her her jacket she took it to pressure on his child's wound.

she heard the door open so she quickly put her hand on her packet to pull the gun when she sew Jay come in he look at the room then at her when he see the girl he said , "What happened?" She replied, to him "I don't know. I heard screaming, so I came."
"Get the children out of here.Immediately I'll call the ambulance," jay told her she replied at him She is holding a girl in her arms "We won't have time. get your car and I will meet you in the front"


Hank was in his office when jay come in "I'm sorry, I just got your call. We've found the mother of the girl who get shot ." Hank spoke as he looked at a computer. "Shut the door." Jay did what his boss told him , he said Confused "What's the matter?"

Hank replied at him , "I spoke to the analysis department. The bullet that hit the girl was from 9 mm caliber, " Jay told him " and the bullet that was in the man's leg was an attempt at a 45." Hank said when he take His seat "That's right."

Jay was silent for a moment he look at Hank when he realize what's going on , then said, "Are you saying that I shot the girl? This is not normal. I was in an attack. I fired one shot at one of the gang. I ran towards the injured woman. I called for help. I didn't see any children. I didn't shoot anyone."

Hank said when he He put his hand on jay shoulder. To calm him down, "Listen, if that's what happened, don't worry. You have to take a vacation until we see the results of "How long does that take" "Enough time"


Amber entered with Erin, the chief came to them, "Have you been lucky with the gang members?" Erin replied to his question , "We didn't return many photos, but there are two new gang members. It's been 8 hours and we have no clue about who shot." Adam came with an iPad in his hand", I found something, searched on a phone A cyclist found two texts and they were looking for a deal and the name of Little JJ could be one of the names of the shooters" hank take the iPad and look at the three and said "Do any one of you know where to buy the phone "
Amber said to him " Yes it's three blocks away in a little shop".

They entered the store, and there was a man in the cashier and a woman cleaning Adam spoke to the man, "Excuse me, do you know who bought this phone? His nickname is Little JJ." The owner of the shop spoke when he see they are police "I don't know anyone with that name." Adam was talking to the man, at the same time amber look at the small shop when she look at the woman noticed the woman's tension and how she was looking at her .

At the woman she knows something is wrong and this man is lying at them so with out any one notice she give the woman her card to call her .

she looked at Adam, who was still. Talking to the man she roll her eyes at him she She held Adam's hand as he turned to her and she said "Well, no, it's not necessary. we on the wrong store Sorry for the inconvenience." Adam looked at her and he didn't know what was going on with her.and walk out after her she walk to the car when he stopped her to open the door " what the fuck you think your self doing"
She look at the store and back to him " i know what I'm doing he wasn't tell everything this something behind this "

They went to a man's house and he was dead and there was no bullet in his stomach. They shot him in the head. The woman from the store told amber the someone name Justin Jay was going to fired from the job at the end, but , they found that Justin was the one who shot They say in the news that jay was not the one who shot the little girl


Jay walk out from the news office when he sew amber Standing in front of his car waiting for him she was looking at the floor when she was thinking about something He walked towards her and said " hello " she raised her head from the ground,she look at him A warm smile appeared on the side of her lips "Hello, sorry I came in late Is it over right ? how was it?"she told him when he stand Next to her on the car
"Yes, it was very good, in fact, Brice was very generous"

She told him She tries to reassure him as much as possible "If you need anything just let me know what happened is very difficult."
" I'll be fine in the end I think I have to understand what happened have you been in some things like that " he told her

Amber took her eyes away from him and said with a fake smile " yeah but circumstances are different but it doesn't matter at all.do you talk to the mother of the little girl " He shook his head, meaning no. Amber took a deep breath to calm herself " jay you have to do it even if you are not ready"


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