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Clarisse La Rue x fem!Apollokid!reader

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Clarisse La Rue x fem!Apollokid!reader

Warning- violence, some blood

You were in your cabin, getting ready for capture the flag. You hated capture the flag because you weren't that great at fighting, but you have been working with Clarisse on your fighting. You have gotten a little bit better at fighting, but not the best.
You started putting your armor on when you heard a knock, which made you turn around and see Clarisse making you smile. "Hey," you said, making Clarisse smile a little as she walked towards you. "Hey," Clarisse said as she stopped right in front of you. You put your hand on her cheek, pulling her into a kiss. You guys kissed until you were interrupted by one of your siblings.

"Its about to-" your sibling went to say but froze when seeing Clarisse glaring at them for interrupting you guys. You smile out a little, moving your hand to her shoulder."I'll be out in a minute," you said, making your sibling nod before leaving as quick as they came. You look back at Clarisse. "I'll see you after, right?" you asked, making Clarisse nod. You turned around, grabbing your helmet and putting it on.

"You would look so much better in red," Clarisse said with a smirk, making you laugh a little while pecking her lips. "Alright, I'll see you later," you said as you pulled away.

You walked out of your cabin with Clarisse behind you; you went the other way but were stopped by Clarisse grabbing your wrist and pulling you toward. "We have to go," you said with a small smile. "I know; just be careful," Clarisse said with a hint of worry, not wanting you to get hurt.
"I will," you said, giving her one last kiss before finally parting ways. You reach where your siblings are and where Annabeth is standing, telling everyone their role. When you reach them, Annabeth looks at you. "You're with Luke," Annabeth says, making you nod. Annabeth walked away, and you looked toward the opposite team, where you met Clarisse. Her eyes were giving each other nods of good luck, but when Chiron talked, they took the attention off of each other.

After he finished and the horn went off, you followed Luke and some of your siblings with the flag before setting somewhat ahead of the flag.

As you were standing away from the team, you heard a noise, making you turn to see some of the red team come up and say, "There, here!" You yell to Luke, who nods his head. What you didn't notice was someone behind you coming towards you until it was too late. You were rolling down a hill with your helmet coming off. The fall knocked the air out of you as you saw the same person who pushed down the hill, Kyle, the son of Hades, who didn't like you. You didn't know why he didn't like you, but he always went after you. You didn't tell Clarisse for the sake of his life.

You stood up, groaning in pain. You had a small gash on your forehead. You grabbed the sword just as Kyle reached forward to bring his sword down, but you quickly moved out if the way made his sword hit the ground. "What is your problem?" You said getting up, "you," Kyle said as he charged you. "Really, I couldn't tell," you said sarcasm lacing your voice as you blocked his hit. He pulls his sword away, but not before cutting your arm.

You see Luke out the corner of your eye as he creeps behind Kyle, and you nod your head, which made Luke charge forward, putting the sword to Kyle's throat. "Drop it," Luke said, making Kyle grip his sword and raise his sword. "Did you hear him? He said drop it," you said, walking towards him with your sword pointing at him. He rolled his eyes, dropping the sword. Luke pushed him away as he looked at you. “You okay?" Luke asked, pointing to the cut on your head.

"Yeah," you responded, touching your cut and hissing in pain. You took your hand down, noticing blood on your finger, and glanced up at Luke. "Don't tell Clarisse, okay?" you said, and Luke gave you an unsure look. "I'm fine now; go get the flag," you added, making Luke nod and walk away without giving you one more look.

You looked where Kyle was, but he was long gone. "Asshole," you said, bringing your arm up and seeing the cut on it before you started heading back to your cabin to clean up, not caring about capture the flag.

You get to your cabin, and you walk toward your bed, taking off your shirt to see a bruise on your side. "Great," you whispered as you grabbed a rag, getting wet and cleaning your cuts.


Capture The flag had finished and the red team lost, so Clarisse was mad, so she was looking for you, the only person who could calm her down. So she went to the place you guys normally meet after the game, but you weren't there, which is weird because you were normally the first one there, so she went to your cabin.

She knocked on the door, hearing a silent 'come in' which made her open the door to see you pulling your shirt down, but before you pulled it down, she saw the bruise on your side. "What the hell happened?" Clarisse said angrily as she walked toward you.

You turn around, and Clarisse notices the cut on her forehead. "I'm fine; I just fell," you lied. Clarisse squinted her eyes, knowing you were lying to her. "What happened?" Clarisse said you looked down, knowing you couldn't lie to her anymore. You knew she wouldn't believe you, "Kyle," you whispered.

Clarisse didn't say anything, and walking out of your cabin, "Clarisse," you said, but she ignored you, looking for Kyle. She found Kyle, who was talking to his friend. She grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around and punching him in the face, making him fall to the ground. "What the hell?" Kyle shouted, holding his face.

Clarisse went to lunge at him, but you grabbed her as Luke got in front of her. "Clarisse, stop," Luke said. Clarisse glared at him. "Touch her again, and I'll kill you," Clarisse said before gently grabbing your arm and pulling you guys away. You could tell she was tense.

She didn't say it the whole time. "Clarisse," you said, making her stop. You spun her around, grabbing her face and making her calm down. You pulled her into a kiss. Clarisse put her hand on your waist, kissing you back with a small smile. You guys pulled away when air had become a problem, resting your forehead on her. "I love you," you said, which made Clarisse freeze, pulling away. "You don't have to say it; I just wanted you to know," you said, looking at her.

Clarisse just looked at you, pulling you into another kiss. You know that she loves you; she'll do anything for you. That's what made you fall even more in love with her. She pulled away. "I love you too," Clarisse said, making you smile. Hearing those words come out of your mouth, you pull her into a hug. "If he ever touches you again, I'll kill you." Clarisse said, making you laugh. Knowing she was not lying, you pulled away. "I know." You said you were smiling at her, and she pulled you into one more kiss.

Dior goodjohn/ Clarisse la rue and Charlie bushnell  imagine Where stories live. Discover now