midnight drive

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Dior goodjohn x Xander scobell (oc)

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Dior goodjohn x Xander scobell (oc)

Summary: Xander has been having trouble sleeping, so he goes for a late-night ride by himself, which soon turns into a late-night ride with Dior.

Xander lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as the clock ticked away the hours. He had been struggling with insomnia for weeks now, his mind too cluttered with thoughts and worries to allow him any rest. It seemed like no matter how exhausted he was, sleep just wouldn't come.

Frustrated and desperate for a change of scenery, Xander tossed off the covers and got dressed. He grabbed his car keys and headed out of his room to see Walker, whose room was across from him with his door open, playing the game. Walker took his headphones off one ear when he saw Xander leaving his room. "Hey, where are you going?" Walker said, pausing his game.

"Uh, I'm going for a drive to clear my head," Xander said, making Walker nod his head. "You okay?" Walker asked. "Yeah, you want anything while I'm out?" Xander asked. Walker thought about it before shaking his head. "I'm good," Walker said, making Xander nod his head. "Alright, I'll be back," Xander said, leaving. Walker heard the door shut, making him grab his phone out, and texted Dior.


Xander stopped at a red light as his phone started ringing. When the light turned green, he drove into a parking lot since he doesn't like driving on the phone. Xander parked the car, taking his phone out of his pocket, seeing that it was Dior, causing him to smile a little. He answered the call, putting the phone in his ear. "Hey," Xander said, turning the music down. "Hey, what are you up to?" Dior asked. Xander sighed, knowing that Walker had texted Dior, telling her what Xander was up to. "Walker texted you, didn't he?" Xander asked.

"He's just worried." Dior said, "It's your insomnia, isn't it?" Dior asked, "Yeah, I just need some air. Maybe get a slushy." Xander said, "Okay, now you're calling." Dior said, making Xander laugh, "Okay, I'll get you one." Xander said, "Oh no, no, you're going to come get me." Dior said. Xander sighed, knowing that he couldn't change Dior's mind. "Okay, okay, I'll be there soon. Bring a jacket; it's kind of chilly." Xander said, "Okay, see you." Dior said, "Alright, bye." Xander said, "Bye. Dior said to hang up. Xander laughed, shaking his phone as he put it back in his pocket.


20 minutes later

Xander parked his car in front of Dior Place. He took out his phone and texted Dior that he was here. After she got the text, it only took her a few minutes before she came out. Xander got out of his car. "Hey," Xander said, hugging Dior when she got closer to him. "Hey," Dior said as they pulled away, giving him a kiss on the cheek. They headed to the passenger side, where Xander opened the passenger door for her.
Dior smiled at that. "Thank you," Dior said, getting in and making Xander nod his head as a 'no problem' he shuts the door, going around and getting in the driver side.

"You're ready," Xander said, making Dior nod and put her seat belt on. Let's get some slushy," Xander said. "Hell yeah," Dior said, making Xander laugh as he put his seat belt on. "Okay," Xander said as he started driving.

On the way to 7-Eleven, they were listening to their favorite songs and laughing uncontrollably. Dior was one of the few people to cheer him up, and she was good at it. It was their way of having fun and escaping the stress of everyday life.
As they cruised through the quiet streets, Dior turned her head. "How long has it been going on? Dior asked, and Xander sighed, looking out the window for a second. "Three days," Xander said, looking at the road. Dior's expression softened. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped." Dior said, making Xander shrug. “I didn't want to bother you with my problems. Plus, I didn't want to seem weak.” Xander said.

That caused Dior to shake her head. "You're not weak, Xander. Everyone goes through tough times, and it's okay to ask for help. We're a team, remember?" Dior said, and Xander smiled gratefully at Dior's words. She always had a way of making him feel better. "You're right. Thanks, Di." Xander said "Anytime," Dior said, reaching over to grab Xander's hand and squeeze it, which he returned with a squeeze and a smile.

"We're here," Xander said, pulling into the parking lot. They pulled their hands away as Xander parked the car, and they both got out of the car and walked into the brightly lit convenience store. Xander grabbed a bag of chips, while Dior went for some ice cream.

Then they met at the slushy machine, where they got their slushy.
After they got there, slushy Xander and Dior went up to where the cashier was, where Xander paid for the stuff.

They walked out and got to Xander's car, where he opened the Dior door, then walked to the driver's seat and got in. Xander started the car, putting the seat belts on, and they left 7-Eleven.

"Thank you," Xander said as they hit a red light. He looked at her. "For what?" Dior said with a confused look as she looked at Xander. "For just being you and for being there for me," Xander said as the light turned green, making him start driving. "I will always be there for you," Dior said, making Xander smile. "And I'll always be there for you," Xander said, grabbing Dior's hand, intertwining it with his, and kissing it.


"Thank you for coming with me," he said as he opened the passenger door. "Thank you for taking me," Dior replied, her eyes meeting his as she got out. Xander shut the door, looking at Dior before pulling her into a hug. She smiled, hugging him back. They pulled away from the hug.

Xander leaned in slowly, giving Dior a chance to pull away if she wanted to. But she didn't. And at that moment, their lips met in a gentle and passionate kiss. After air became a problem, they pulled away. They both smiled at each other, their lips still tingling from the kiss. "I hate to do this, but I should probably head home," Xander said, making Dior nod. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" Dior asked, making Xander nod. "Yeah," Xander said, giving Dior one more peck on her lips before pulling completely away.

Xander watched as Dior got safely to her door before getting into his car. He waved goodbye to Dior as she did the same before shutting her door, and Xander headed home.

Xander got back home, setting his key on the counter before heading back to his room, but stopped before he saw that Walker was still on the game. He pulled out his phone, seeing what time it was; it was 4:30 a.m. "Thank you," Xander said, causing Walker to look over and take his headphones off. Walker smiled. "No problem," Walker said. "I got you a slushy." Xander said as he stopped at 7-Eleven to get Walker a slushy. Walker smiled widening upon hearing that he put his headphones on his desk before getting up. "Thank you," Walker said, walking past. "Night," Xander said with a laugh. "Night," Walker said.
Xander walked into his room, texting Dior that he was home before he had finally fallen asleep.

Dior goodjohn/ Clarisse la rue and Charlie bushnell  imagine Where stories live. Discover now