Chapter 12

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=== LUNGMEN ===

Ch'en drove the car to a large office building. They stopped at the parking lot and the LGD Superintendent led them inside. A few minutes later, they entered an extravagant office.

"Kal'tsit!" Amiya greeted the feline doctor when they arrived.

"Hello, Amiya." The green-haired woman returned the greeting. Her eyes flashed to the Doctor behind Amiya, before moving over as if she hadn't seen him.

"Ah, wonderful. More guests! Please, have some tea." The dragon sitting across Kal'tsit smiled at the new arrivals. He poured warm tea into two china cups and placed them in front of Amiya and the Doctor. "Ch'en, would you like tea?"

"No thank you, sir." Ch'en declined. Despite being in the presence of her uncle, the Draco continued to act professionally.

"As you wish." The senior Draco leaned back. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Chief Executive Wei Yenwu. I lead the city Lungmen. It is great to see your safe arrival, Ms. Amiya and company."

"Thank you for your generosity, sir." Amiya bowed lightly.

"Now that all parties have arrived, let us continue our discussion." Wei Yenwu placed both his arms on his lap. "Rhodes Island wishes to enter into a cooperation with the city of Lungmen to tackle the issue of The Reunion."

The Doctor kept quiet as Kal'tsit led the negotiations with Amiya's support. He was still new to the situation and didn't have much grasp. He still didn't know why he was being brought to the meeting either.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

Amiya's eats drooped slightly.

"W-what do you mean you can't...?"

"Lungmen is a grand city of renown. We are the epicenter of commerce and trade. Our status is the result of our efforts and connections. Ultimately, we are independent- even to the nation of Yan- unless it concerns international relations."

"B-but this is the Reunion..." The small cautus seemed to grow smaller in front of the proud dracos in front of her.

"Did you not hear? Lungmen is independent. We are easily capable of dealing with such rabble." Ch'en interrupted sharply. "We have no need for Rhodes Island's assistance." She was affronted at the idea that a pharmaceutical organization- one with a paramilitary so small- thought that they could assist a city like Lungmen.

"Ch'en Hui-chieh!" Wei Yenwu snapped at his niece. The girl froze and stepped back from her little outburst.

"In other words...I cannot accept your help. Ch'en is right. It will do our reputation harm." The senior Draco leaned forwards. He pulled out a cigar, lighting up the tobacco stick. "I hope you do not take this personally. I have to look out for Lungmen."

"...what about your infected?" Amiya was grasping at straws now.

"They are being handled appropriately." Wei Yenwu tapped his cigar.

"Is there absolutely nothing that Rhodes Island can help with? We can assist Lungmen's..."

"That is enough...Amiya." Kal'tsit interrupted. "Forgive us if we pressed the issue. May we still conduct business with corporations inside Lungmen? We understand if we overstayed our welcome." She would quickly withdraw their presence from Lungmen if the governor found them too intrusive.

"Although Lungmen declines your assistance in our affairs, you are welcome to continue conducting business within Lungmen. We will not hinder your transactions with other entities, so long as Lungmen's safety is not threatened. Please, enjoy your stay." Wei Yenwu gently smiled.

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