The friendship.

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The fact that Joel didn't even wait for you to finish before responding surprises you. You didn't really think he'd actually accept something like that after what happened, even though he seemed to really need it. You thought his reserved side would speak louder.

But, well, what's wrong with that? He basically saw you naked accidentally, a massage to help with his back problem definitely wouldn't be the worst thing of the night after all.

"You... Y-yeah, okay. Come in." You give him room to come in, feeling the anxiety growing in your guts.

Shit, it was just a little joke provoked by the sassiness given to you by alcohol and he really liked the idea?

You end up getting too distracted and when you take a step back, feeling your body bumping into the small table near the door, making him stop to look at you carefully. Closely. Closer than he ever been.

"You sure you're not drunk?" He arches his brows.

"Yes I'm just... A little nervous about the mess I made today." You sigh, looking at your feet. "Please don't tell my father, he'd be so disappointed to me and he'd never ever believe that it was just an accident." You look up at him.

"Don't worry, you're an adult and what you do with your personal life is none of my business." He says simple, putting his hands in his pockets again.

"Okay, thank you." You nod, closing the door as soon as he gets in your living room. "You, hum... You can wait on the couch, I just need to go to my bedroom to get something."

"Kay." He answers simply, heading towards the couch while you turn to climb the stairs to the second floor, unable to help feeling his gaze following you.

You quickly go to your bedroom, looking for your favorite moisturizer on your dresser and can't help giving a little smile when you find it. Strawberry scented moisturizer, the best smell. You take it and get back downstairs, seeing him comfortably sitting on your couch. One arm resting on the backrest, legs slightly open and gaze focused on the stairs, probably waiting for you to come down.

Joel Miller despite being grumpy is hot.

Very hot and you clearly couldn't help noticing that. His presence is strong and makes the fresh nighttime become warm. Or maybe probably because of the two shots of vodka you took. Both? You never know.

As you go down the stairs, you shake your head to shake off the intrusive thoughts before they become worse, approaching him carefully and seeing him frown.

"What's this?" He points out the pink bottle.

"Moisturizer, strawberry scented one." You smile, he arches his brows.
"Won't go back home smelling like a teenager girl, I already showered." He mumbles, you pout.

"It doesn't smell like a teenager girl, it's sweet but so good. And it's the only one I have. It's my favorite one." You mumble, looking at the bottle.

"Fine." He rolls his eyes. "But don't use too much, don't wanna get all messy and sticky."

"Kay, got it. Now take off your shirt and lay down on your belly." You smile.


"Have you ever received a massage?" You arch your brows.

"'Course I have, smartass."

"So you know it's not possible to get a good one with your shirt on." You place your hands on your waist.

"Fine." He repeats, sighing and taking off his shirt.

You can't help but lower your gaze when you see him doing it, looking at him carefully, noticing his broad shoulders, well-worked chest and arms - certainly due to his work - and a soft daddy belly.

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