Lance slowy got up. His whole body hurt. Ink was also running down his side. He changes and looks in the mirror and he could see the cuts on his arms and the words written into his side. Lance puts his shirt fully on and walks out into his small kitchen. He glanced over at the medicine cabinet and shook his head. Lance grabbed a bottle of generic soda and his back, and ran out his door. He caught the bus right as it got in. Dean waved to him. Lance walked over, "Hey Dean, why didn't you text me?"
Dean replied, "I didn't know the new number..."
Lance laughed, "It's the same number dork."
He opened the soda and shared it with Dean. Lance knew Dean had something on his mind and wanted to tell, but he didn't want to strike a nerve. Dean also knew something was wrong with Lance, but was afraid to ask. What the irony ,two best friends who knew something was wrong, but were afraid to ask.
Anyway, the two got to school. Today was a Wednesday so they got out early but had to go to clubs and extra circular . The classes were also changed. They had band instead of math, and Lance had programming instead of Science.
Both got through the first two classes and went to band. Lance played almost every instrument, and Dean played alto saxophone. The band teacher chose what instrument Lance played for each song (which every song was a different one). He also had small solos in each song. Soloist parade was coming up soon. It basically is every third quarter the teacher chose five members to go California Performing Arts Academy to play in front of thousands of people while being judged to the bone (They were also judged on the emotions and looks!) Lance has gone since he got in the school system, which was since 6th grade and now he is a Sophomore.
After band class was done, they went to lunch. It was a quiet lunch this time. Fiora just stared at her food, Atro didn't sit by them again. Dean just glanced around at Fiora and Lance. Andrea and Brin had a seperate lunch because of Cheer squad.
The awkwardness of lunch carried throughout the day. Lance, Atro, and Fiora had their last class together. The teacher gave them a huge project to do. The upside was that it was a three person project but the downside is it was due in three days. The three worked the whole class period. No one finished what they were assigned. Atro freaked out and shouted, "I need to finish this tonight now! Ugh!"
Lance just looked at her quizzically, "We have two more days to do this and we are going to finish our part and you finish your we are all good."
Atro started to cry, "I need to finish today! I need to!"
Everyone had already left class even the teacher. It was just Atro and Lance. Atro hugged and then kissed Lance. She pulled away and looked at him teary-eyed, "I like you but everyday I'm going to forget you..."
Both didn't know Dean was standing there. Atro ran out holding her books close to her chest, still crying. Dean walked in and nudged Lance, who was just staring out the window. Dean dragged him out. Lance was still zoned out. Dean rolled his eyed and punched him in the stomach. Lance puffed out, "What was that for!?"
Dean snickered, "I could of hugged you."
Lance rubbed the back of his head, "Well you know what I'm defenseless against."
Dean laughs, "Of course I do! Anyway all clubs have been canceled, so want to go um out... to eat or something?"
Lance replied, "Oh sure!"
Dean smiled and jumped onto Lance's back, "Let's go my steed."
Lance laughs and starts jogging to his locker. He got his stuff and they both walked down to a small Chinese place. They both got the same thing. Both wanted to bring up what was wrong, but couldn't say anything. Both finally left to go home. Lance looked at his phone and saw Fiora had texted him, "Hey I have two random questions for you can you answer them? "
Lance responsed, "Yeah sure"
He got home before she texted back. She said, "Ok first off, what do you think about homo's? Also I'm not gay but someone else is."
Lance stutters while texting, "Well I think it's a great thing to love someone even if it's the same gender. So I think it's perfectly fine."
Fiora hastily replied, "Ok great! Also here's the random part, do you know how do deal with depression?"
Lance sighed out and everything turned heavy, "Fiora... you're depressed aren't you..."
Fiora replied slowly this time, "I'm sorry... I haven't been completely honest... and yes I am..."
Lance's chest had started to feel like lead, "I haven't been completely honest either... I don't know if I can say though..."
Fiora texted back, "Lance what is it?"
Lance slowy texted back and immediately regretted it, "I'm suicidal..."
A text almost immediately came back, "Lance you can't... I care about you... We care about you... There's someone out there who cares about you more the regular too!"
Lance sighed out and replied, "Yeah I know... But everyone would forget me..."
Fiora replied slowly, "No one would forget you! None of us could live without you! You can't die! Stay... for me..."
Lance's face started to freeze. He didn't know what to do. He never thought anyone would of said this to him. Lance thought they would just leave him or consider him like a dysfunctional toy that could just break at any minute. He gave a smile, not a fake one, but a real one. He replied to Fiora, "Thanks that means a lot. I will try to stay. Anyway, enough about me are you OK what's making you depressed?"
Fiora texted back, "Well my parents don't really pay attention to me... they always care for the prodigy... nothing about me... just that I need to find love and grow up... It's nice to get that off I feel better already thank you"
Lance couldn't stop smiling. He had never really been like this for a few months. He told Fiora he had to go to sleep and they both said goodnight. This was the first night in 3 months he hadn't done anything to himself. He had fallen asleep with a smile.
DiversosLance thinks to himself, "I am worthless... I could just leave...forever.... Why am I still here? Does it even matter?" He walks over to his bedside, where a plastic gold coin lay. He flips it five times. Tails...Tails...Heads..Heads...Heads... He...