Chapter 1 - a stranger and your lighter

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He took a drag of his cigarette and looked up at the night sky, it was pitch black not a star in sight. Letting out a long sigh as he cast his gaze across the park. It was empty, not a single person had decided to explore the park well, aside from him that was. This was the break he needed, he could feel his eyes going square from sitting at his computer all day. The perks of being a streamer he thought.

Throwing his cigarette on the floor and stomping on it to put it out his mind wanders to the imminent start of term again. School meant people and while he had no issue with them it quickly became a drag. Choso was lost in his thoughts of his soon coming third year at Jujustu Metropolitan University and the challenges that await him in his biomed course once again.

Suddenly his phone dings filling the silent void of the night. Pulling it out of his pocket, squinting as his eyes readjust to the newly created light, he looked down at his phone to see that someone had messaged him.


             DONT IGNORE MEEE


Choso sighs, if Mahito had decided that he was going then he really had no choice. It'd be easier to go to the party than have to put up with his sulking for a week straight. To put it simply, that boy was a pain. A massive pain in Chosos ass. Being friends with him since childhood he knows exactly what Mahito is like. Mahitos way really is the only way.

Putting his phone back into the safety of his pocket he let out another sigh. It was getting late he should head back and sleep, tomorrow was the start of the term after all.  Rubbing his eyes he looked up at the sky once again this time noticing the sky had begun to clear up and the stars were once again visible.

- y/ns pov -

You look around across the green your eyes darting between the various students. You can tell who new you thought as multiple students stumble around eyes wide with excitement and full of energy. You envied them slightly, their naivety, their carefree sense of self that's coupled with the new experiences that JMU will present to them. Whereas you stood slumped over slightly, the bags under your eyes hung deep. Although barely noticeable due to the concealer you used in an attempt to hide them from the world but were still present. You were burnt out and the term hadn't even begun. But it would be fine you told yourself, this year can't be too bad right?

"Heyyyy Y/N what are you doing looking so gloomy you're too pretty to pull such an ugly face."

You recognise that voice. Turning around you see a white-haired idiot blundering his way toward you his round-tinted sunglasses adorned atop his nose as standard. He was wearing a white crewneck jumper paired with some black loose-fitting jeans, a simple outfit, and yet he still stood amongst all the other students. After all, he was the Satoru Gojo. Chuckling to yourself you decide to ignore Satoru and instead turn to the pair following in tow just a few feet behind.

"I see you're still smoking Shoko, mind if I steal one off you, I forgot mine at home."  You wave at the short-haired brunette a sheepish smile coating your face as you shrug in embarrassment for asking her. It was a dirty habit you knew this but it was one of those things that kept you going. Everyone has their own types of poison and one of yours just happened to be those addictive cancer sticks.

"Of course, you can babe, you don't need to ask, what's mine is yours." Catching up to you Shoko pulls out a packet of Marlboros from her pocket. A bright smile on her face she holds one out to you along with her lighter which you graciously accept, thanking her tenfold. Shoko was someone you could always count on. Having been friends with all three of them since your first year you've learned well enough how dependable they all are. Shoko's body was clad with a knee-length grey midi skirt a simple white strappy top with her beige trench-style coat over the top. She always looked so good you thought as you looked down at your haphazard outfit of some black cargos and a white cropped vest with a bejewelled pink heart in the centre. You quickly Shrugged the thought off though as you didn't really care what you wore, it was only for a lecture anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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Cigarettes and lighters - Choso x reader jujutsu kaisenWhere stories live. Discover now