Chapter Five, Moon 7

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A moon passed. Brownpaw had dislocated his leg, so he's had to go through the painful process of Willowfern popping it back in, but he'd been fine, just confined to the medicine den for two weeks. Fallowpaw and Grasspaw had gotten off without many injuries. Mousefall, however, had torn a ligament in his leg, and he was still recovering in the medicine den. 

Brownpaw had been assigned the temporary mentor Snaketail, the Clan deputy. Fallingsands had teased Snaketail relentlessly about being assigned the Clan's most stupid furball, but the deputy had refused to retaliate.

Fallingsands, on the other hand, had kept up her promise of training Fallowpaw into a deadly warrior. She grew more lithe every day and managed to miss each attack by a hair's breadth. She never won due to her lacking stamina when fighting against Fallingsands. There was something about her mentor that Fallowpaw had to give her credit for: she barely ever tired. She was always energetic and always able to ward off any attacks Fallowpaw used on her.

In other words, against Fallowpaw, Fallingsands was practically invincible.

It didn't do much for Fallowpaw's morale, but Fallingsands praised her now and then, so Fallowpaw did have something to work to. She progressed slower than Grasspaw and Brownpaw, but she'd started way, way behind. If it was plotted out in a graph, she would be progressing faster than them. It spurred her on, the longing to do better, achieve more.

Rainpool had started being a little more involved in her training too, letting her train with Twilightpaw sometimes. She was a more responsible older sister than she'd used to be, but she still couldn't beat the amount of worrying Grasspaw did. He was constantly looking out for her.

"There have been rogues in the Twolegplace, encroaching on our borders," Shadowstar announced from the High Rock. "Snaketail will be leading a patrol to exterminate them."

Snaketail lifted his head high, his tail flicking back and forth. "Any volunteers?"

"I will go," Violetflame meowed immediately, stepping forward. "But Rockpaw should stay behind," she added hastily as her apprentice perked up. He looked downcast again.

"So will I," Fallingsands added. She made no comment about Fallowpaw not joining, so Fallowpaw moved over to stand beside her mentor.

"Fallowpaw will stay in camp, of course," Shadowstar nodded.

"If it's allowed, I'd like Fallowpaw to participate in the battle," Fallingsands meowed, the very last thing Fallowpaw had expected her to say.

Shadowstar shook his head. "She's only trained a moon."

"This will be good experience for her," Fallingsands insisted.

"Father, I want to participate in the battle," Fallowpaw meowed earnestly. She knew how to fight now. She didn't want to be left behind while Fallingsands went out to fight rogues!

"Fallingsands," Shadowstar murmured, "you know I could never endanger my daughter."

"I will protect her with my life," Fallingsands promised.

"I don't want you to have to lose your life!" Shadowstar snapped. "Fallowpaw barely even knows basic fighting moves. It's foolish to send her, and if you continue insisting, Fallingsands, you will stay. So, Violetflame, Snaketail and Fallingsands, anyone else? At least six cats."

"I'll go," Mistydusk offered.

Her mate Birdclaw shifted uncomfortably, as did her four kits, Fawnpaw especially. "I'll go as well," Birdclaw meowed after a moment.

"And me," Mudpaw cut in.

Snaketail glanced at Shadowstar questioningly.

"He may go," Shadowstar meowed. "Jaycry, then you will also join the patrol."

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