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Four hours.

Two hundred and forty minutes of Aurora screaming, in pain, and pushing my son into this world.

And he's finally here.

I went back down to Maisey's room while they got Aurora cleaned and in a room.

"Hey. How'd it go?" Ryker asked when he saw me.

"He's here, all seven pounds and eight ounces of him." I smiled.

"Big like his daddy, I feel bad for Rory." He chuckled. " I'm happy for you man."

"Daddy!" Maisey yelled when she saw me.

"Hey princess." I smiled picking her up. "Ready to go meet your brother?" I asked her before grabbing her IV rolling thing and walking back down the hall to the elevator.

We reached the Labor and Delivery floor and was lead to Aurora's room where she was awake and holding our son to her chest.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" I smiled, sitting in the chair beside her bed with Maisey in my lap.

"I wanted to see him." She smiled down at him.

"We never discussed names." I said.

"Yeah I guess we kind of forgot about that part." She giggled softly.

"What about Matthias Rhett Jackson?" I suggested.

"I like it but I like Matthias Jackson Kade a little more." She smiled at me.

She wants him to have my last name?

My smiled widened and leaned over, kissing her deeply. "It's perfect." I breathed.

"Want to hold him?" She asked before moving over in bed.

I set Maisey next to her before gently scooping him up, making sure to support his head.

I sat back down bin the chair. "Hey buddy. I'm your daddy." I spoke softly to him.

I smiled and looked up to see Aurora and Maisey nearly asleep in the bed.

And right here, in this moment, I finally feel complete.

That broken, damaged guy Aurora met almost a year ago is gone.

She found each and every shard of my broken shell and she pieced me back together.

Giving birth to my son, trusting me with our daughter, forgiving me, this entire day has made me feel complete in ways I never knew I could.

A/N I know it's short but it was happy, they were better and everything felt like the perfect way to end it. I'm so sad to see this one end but I hope y'all enjoyed it!❤️

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