Chapter 2:field Fox

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Puppet goes to physical education people were still whispering about him the teacher told them he had a meeting and just said to do what you want thats physical everyone else was playing sports or just talking to each other or whispering bad things about Puppet

Puppet was walking out in the fields alone looking around at the beautiful skys and green trees he sees birds fly bye the sun that was setting and the memories of his rejections ''what are you gay?! get out of here freak''one rejection says ''get out of here you Creep''another rejection says ''ew  get out of here''another rejection says over and over and over ''p-please don't hurt me''anothe-Puppet hears a voice it sounded weak and raspy already but also dry like they haven't drank water in a while Puppet runs over to the voice ''please ''the voice said again Puppet ran faster and faster he makes it to the voice he looks around he didn't see anyone 

He  looked around and was out of breath ''uh Hello! anyone there i'm here to help just say one word and i'll help you''Puppet said looking around 

nothing but silence Puppet thought he was going crazy he was thinking of walking back since there was only 5 minutes left till class he looks around and sees a pink and white tail going through a opening in the fence he runs over but the fox was far gone he looked around but couldn't find it ''Hey little guy i'm a friend but do you know where that voice was coming from''Puppet said but the fox didn't come out from its hiding spot his class ended foxy was walking to his last class but looked back nothing was there he walked to his next glass not knowing the two yellow eyes that were looking at him from hole in the fence looking at him almost seeming to glow.

Puppet walked to his last class which was art he decide to draw what he saw of the fox and a picture on what he thinks the rest of the fox looked like after his class he walked to the bus ''what was that voice''Puppet thought ''it sounded so real or am i just going insane now''Puppet thought his thoughts were interupted when two kids walked up to him both were taller then him they shoved him making im fall ''Hey there creep''one kid said ''we heard you were stalking my sister so how about you just fight like a man instead of running like a coward''the other kid said grabbing him by the collar of the shirt Puppet was closing is eyes ready for the pain he was going to be in but suddently a rock came out a bush hitting one of the boys in the head ''ow hey whos there!''the kid said looking in the direction throwing the walk back movement is seen in the bush a stick is thrown at them the second boy dodges it ''hey come on ''the bully said starting to run in the direction where the rock came from the other bully looks at  puppet ''you got your skin saved coward''the bully said before running to help his friend Puppet stand up looking at the direction before getting on the bus and gets home without any problems.




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