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She's mad but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire and a mess of gorgeous chaos but rare.

Author's POV

"What the hell did you drink?" Arjun asked with an infuriated tone of voice that could even make people shiver with fear but there his wife looked up and shot a smile.

All of a sudden she laughed so hard that he almost assumed that the screw of her brain might be loose a bit.

"I-I just drank Apple juice Mr Singhania, why are you hellbent in creating a havoc of this small matter?" She replied back and gave a chuckle in response to his previous question.

Arjun raised his hand to nose and slightly pinched the bridge impatiently to get ride of this unexplainable situation as far as he believed on his memories there wasn't any Apple juice present in the hall for drinking.

"Get inside the car Mrs Singhania". He crammed his hands into his pockets and kept his voice firm and cold that didn't leave a place of disobedience.

His gaze was so furiously dark it seemed to dig into her and the muscle in his jaw leapt making his jaw sharpened like the edge of a fine knife and above all, he wore no beard. Against the current fashion, his face was meticulously clean shaven.

And then finally there were his eyes....they aren't honey or golden but night dark. Pools of ink, devouring light in their intensity; they have the color of the black sand interacting with the waves and sunlight, Shinning like a star in the middle of summer nights.

She wished that someday those orbs of his could be lost in hers which seemed like chocolate or the deep pools of mud which when met with sunbeam turns in depths of honey.

They were rich in colour, like chocolate tree bark after the autumn rain, yet clear and pure, like glass atop a river and at daylight, her eyes sparkle like freshly fallen snow, glistening like a million pieces of gold and at night, they tend to match the sky.

Her eyes searched for the moon in the dark pitch night whereas his eyes searched for that star which got lost somewhere in that same dark night.

"Mr Singhania, without a doubt you have chosen a wrong profession as I'm certainly sure that no school will deny in hiring you as a Maths teacher as anger always stay on the tip of your nose". She said while her mind becoming blank and losing all senses.

"I can't stand you". Arjun said in his dead calm voice and face coated with iciness.

"Then, sit down". She sharply replied back and her eyebrows arched from the sudden arrival of headache.

In response Arjun just shoot her icy glance and shifted his orbs somewhere as it's gonna be a challenge yet rigorous work for him to handle his wife who unintentionally got drunk and wasn't in her right sense at all.

"Damn! You really can't take a joke". She said and disappointment flashed across her face.

"First learn to make a one". He answered in a calm tone that didn't match the sarcasm hidden in his statement.

Arjun drew a deep breath and marched towards his car and she just followed his footsteps leading her to the car where he settled himself on the driver seat and she chose to sit beside him.

"Mr Singhania, What did the blanket say as it fells off the bed?" She cut a joke to lighten the aura and made herself dissolved into the laughter.

"Oh sheet." She answered as after realising that he isn't gonna bother himself in answering her question.

After a couple of minutes later when he sighed in relief that now he's finally blessed with peace, the same moment she chose to sing a strange yet freaky poem that for sure invite a headache for the grand feast in his brain.

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