Dinner for Two

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     Matthew's eyes snapped open to a white ceiling, the room around him abuzz with quiet chatter. Sitting up in his bed, he took a moment to register where he was before rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair to settle his bedhead. His bed was surrounded in a privacy curtain, clueing him in to the fact that he was in the infirmary. Damn, I really did pass out back there huh. His hand made its way to his chest, where he felt that stinging pain from before under the heavy bandages wrapping his chest. He took another moment to inspect himself, finding two butterfly bandages across his nose but no bandages elsewhere. Speaking of elsewhere, where was his shirt? At least I still have my pants on...

     The hushed conversation from outside of the curtain continued, prompting Matthew to open the curtain. He was met with Recovery Girl, who was talking with Hado, Tama, Yamaoka, and Yukino, who were all in their own respective beds. They stared at him for a moment, Matthew realizing he was in the very wrong infirmary. "I... did not put myself in here." He quickly reached for the curtain, trying to yank it shut and go back to sleep. Please tell me this is a nightmare, I don't wanna be labeled a pervert!

     "Clouse dear, can you open the curtain please? The bandage cart can't fit behind it." Despite his wishes, he followed Recovery Girl's orders. Opening the curtain, the girls stared at him again before returning to their conversation nonchalantly. At least they don't seem to mind my presence... "I'm sorry about this arrangement dear, they ran out of room in the boys' infirmary with Class 1-B's combat trial happening alongside your guys'. The girls said they didn't mind, so you're alright. "

     "I-if you say so." Recovery Girl chuckled at his apprehension.

     "Alright, can you lift your arms for me dear? Those bandages need changing." He did as asked, Recovery Girl unwrapping his bandages and unveiling his wound. All Might couldn't force it out of him, but he was flexing his abs and chest just a smidgen. Obviously not for Recovery Girl, for the others. A bunch of girls his age seeing him shirtless? It's just evolutionary instincts.

     A glaring purplish black streaked across the breadth of his chest, 3 fingers thick. Yamaoka and Yukino gasped, Matthew looking at his chest in dismay. "That's gonna take a while to heal up, isn't it?"

     "Yes, but I can speed that up for you." Recovery Girl's lips stretched upwards, meeting Matthew's cheek. Despite the wet grandma-kiss feeling on his cheek, Matthew's chest and nose did feel considerably better. Recovery Girl quickly reapplied his bandages, before placing something in his hand. "Here, some candies to keep your energy up. You've still got some hours of school left." Matthew offered a small thanks as he popped them in his mouth, quickly swallowing them while Recovery Girl took her leave.

     "If you don't mind me asking Clouse, how exactly did you get that wound?" Yukino sheepishly gestured to his chest, her face dusted red. Matthew sighed, wishing he could make the story sound cooler than it was. Even if Hado was in the room, trying to look cool for other girls was second nature for a 15 year old boy.

     "Well, Noki may or may not have clotheslined me... twice." Hado and Tama snickered, both earning a sharp glare from Matthew.

     "Oh oh, Matthew! Tell them about how you got those bandages on your nose!" Hado seemed very eager to embarrass him further, not realizing the big bandage around her head was from his kick to her forehead.

     "...you headbutted me. Twice." Tama laughed again, which was interrupted with a coughing fit.

     "Stealing my move, eh Hado? At least that's all you got off with Matthew, Hina accidentally went too hard on her quirk and almost turned me into a mummy. Accident, of course! She didn't mean it, the poor girl felt so bad she stopped by earlier and was practically begging me to forgive her." The other girls laughed, reimagining Hina comically begging for Tama's forgiveness.

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