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"The King's Landing was shaken by the news of the death of Queen Helaena – wife and sister to the crowned Aegon the Elder, mother of his three children. The people's favorite, recently referred to as the 'Mad Queen'.' Legend has it that Rhaenyra tried to eliminate her rival after months of waiting for submission from her sister. Regardless, the death of Queen Helaena changed the course of the "dance" between brother and sister from House Targaryen"

– Tale of the Duel of Two Dragons. Chapter V, written by an unnamed maester.

Rhaenyra, wearing the traditional colors of House Targaryen – black and red, stood not far away in a corner from the Silent Sisters.

There were no emotions on her face anymore. It seemed that over the past few days, the queen had aged by several decades. Her eyes were swollen and reddened from tears shed over the lost.

Rhaenyra clenched a handkerchief, repeatedly wiping away the tears welling in her eyes. As the queen herself put it, "her eyes teared up from the strong scent of essential oils and fragrances."

A series of misfortunes and losses befell Rhaenyra in the past hours. She vividly remembers the cry of despair and pain from Alicent Hightower upon learning about the death of her only daughter, Helaena. Widowed Queen Alicent did not hold back curses toward Rhaenyra, blaming her for what had happened.

"I pray you burn in flames, Rhaenyra! You and your brood of bastards! May the gods bear witness, the day the Stranger claims you, I'll bathe in your blood! Remember that."

To which Rhaenyra responded succinctly, "I'm already burning in it."

Alicent struggled in the grip of agony, tearing at her clothes as an unimaginable pain constricted her heart. She was so profoundly distressed that the maester resorted to giving her milk of the poppy to ease her into slumber. Even when Alicent, under the soothing influence of the milk, finally succumbed to sleep, she continued to softly repeat her daughter's name in a haunting whisper.

Rhaenyra once again wipes away the welling tears with a handkerchief. The Silent Sisters stand in a single row against the wall, obediently bowing their heads as one of them dresses Helaena's body in a black gown. The true motive behind Rhaenyra's choice of this color for her sister's dress remains unknown. Whether it was a gesture of respect for House Targaryen or an act symbolizing that "the greens suffered defeat" is unclear.

Having completed all the preparations, the Silent Sisters exited the room without a sound, leaving Rhaenyra alone. She takes a few measured steps forward, still uncertain about her decision to cast one last gaze upon her sister. Although they were never close, amidst the unrelenting string of losses, Rhaenyra yearns to bid farewell to someone, even in the face of irreplaceable sorrows.

Helaena's face had taken on a grayish hue, and her hair lost all its luster and color. Even a fleeting glance at Helaena now would make it difficult to recognize the radiant princess she once was. A source of joy for her mother, the only daughter that Alicent could give to Viserys.

The high collar of her dress covered the wounds from spears that had pierced through her body. Rhaenyra closed her eyes, recalling the moment when a servant informed her of Helaena's death. When Rhaenyra, accompanied by guards, reached Helaena's chambers, her sister's body still rested on the tips of the spears. Helaena's eyes were wide open, like those of a doll. Lifeless. Cold.

The sight overwhelmed Rhaenyra with a wave of nausea, tying her stomach into a tight knot. She didn't hear Mysaria approaching. In her distinctively accented voice, she uttered,

"The princess must have succumbed to the pressure of the news. Weak girls can't keep themselves together."

If Rhaenyra had turned around at that moment to look at the White Worm, the ruling queen would have noticed a shadow of triumphant smirk playing on Mysaria's lips. It still remains unknown what news Mysaria was referring to – whether she spoke of the heart-wrenching death of Helaena's younger son Maelor or the demise of her younger brother Aemond remains a mystery. However, only certain individuals knew that it was after the visit of the White Worm that Helaena decided to take such a step.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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