Chapter 6

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I down another solo cup of flat beer in a futile attempt at blending in with the crowd. It's been years since I've had an alcoholic beverage, and I don't miss the way it burns my throat as it goes down. I cringe silently and hope no one notices my distaste.

Sam sits next to me on the slightly shredded leather couch, attempting to explain the game of football to me in a hushed voice. Ever since meeting him in my sociology course, Sam has spoken about nothing other than football.

As unenriching as the conversation is for me, I feign interest anyways. Sam is not a bad guy by any means. He might have a slight drinking problem, but I can sense that his heart is pure enough. He doesn't seem to belong in a frat house, and he stands out like a goldfish in a sea of sharks.

A small part of me feels guilty for manipulating Sam into bringing me to this party as his date, but then I remember the task at hand.

I hear my superior's voice echoing through the chamber that is my skull, telling me to complete this task at all costs.

The room begins to spin a bit and I rest my hand on Sam's muscled arm to steady myself. He seems to take this physical contact to mean an entirely different thing and rests his hand on my thigh. As we talk, he inches higher and higher until he reaches the soft fabric of my dress.

The room suddenly seems to darken, and the air temperature drops, as if a shadow has wrapped the entire living room in a chilled embrace.

Something nags at the back of my senses, and I briefly scan the crowd for Eli.

To my disappointment, he's nowhere in sight, but my eyes catch on a familiar inky black aura, one I would know anywhere.

Vance stands in the arch way to the living room, as still and rigid as a gargoyle statue, a red solo cup clenched tightly in his fist.

Our eyes make contact and I momentarily feel the baby hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. His expression is cold and unreadable, but I don't fail to notice the way his jaw is tightly clenched, and flames seem to flicker in his amber eyes.

I swiftly look away, but the feeling of being watched doesn't leave. The lights in the room begin to flicker violently like a poltergeist and everyone looks around in confusion.

There is no doubt that this is Vance's doing, and a dark sense of satisfaction flows through me. Vance tends to unintentionally manipulate electricity and fire when he's enraged, although I've only seen him angry enough once in all the years I've known him.

I spare a second glance at him only to notice that his eyes are now fixed on Sam's hand fiddling with the hem of my dress. There's a dark look in his eyes and he seems to be somewhere else, in another realm.

Sarcastic, cocky and sardonic Vance is gone, replaced with broody, bothered and menacing Vance in his place.

I hadn't seen this version of him in many years, and I'd be lying if I said I'm not at least slightly pleased that I'm the reason for its return.

His eyes seem to follow Sam's every movement, and so I know he notices when Sam pulls me closer to him, gently lifting me up into his lap.

I don't stop him from doing this, only flirting with him more. I hear my own laughter echo through the living room.

The lights begin to flicker again and the electric fireplace sparks to life right next to us. I don't dare to look at Vance now, knowing the scowl I would be met with.

I don't look in his direction until I hear a grating high-pitched voice, like nails on a chalk board. Veronica now hangs on Vance's arm, like a tick on a wolf. The sight of her sends a wave of displeasure through me.

I knew she would be here; this is her party after all. This knowledge doesn't make my stomach turn any less at the sight of her hands all over Vance.

She flirts with him softly, kissing his neck in between hushed words. Tugging at his sleeve, she attempts to pull him to the stairs.

Vance looks distracted, disinterested even, and continues to glance in my direction. He reminds me of a caged jaguar, one second away from annihilating its' captor.

To my amazement, Vance breaks free from Veronica's grasp and sulks his way towards us. Veronica's appalled face turns to simmering hot rage directed at me.

Great, Now she'll be bullying me in class instead of her usual target.

Oblivious to what's about to unfold, Sam continues to flirt with me, his hands now grazing my hips hungrily. Like a phantom, Vance is on us in the blink of an eye.

"Charlotte, can I steal a moment of your time?" Vance exhorts sharply, interrupting us mid conversation. Sam had just been about to ask me to go upstairs with him.

The question catches us off guard, causing Sam to instantly go on the defense.

"Actually, we're pretty busy right now, so you can just turn around and walk away," Sam replies, not giving me the chance to speak for myself.

This seems to ruffle Vance's feathers quite a bit, as every bone in his body seems to tense.

One of the light bulbs in the lamp in the corner explodes with a deafening shattering sound, causing a group of sorority sisters to scream in shock.

Vance usually enjoys a challenge, but something tells me this is not a challenge he is delighted with.

"I don't recall asking you, I believe I was talking to Charlotte," Vance responds, leveling his voice with great effort.

A bone ticks in his jaw and he seems to be grinding his teeth, biting his tongue. I feel worried for Sam, knowing that this can only end in one way.

Sam gently slides me off of him before getting to his feet defensively. He puffs out his chest like a bird fighting over its mate.

One thing I do know about Vance: he never backs down from a fight or a challenge. This will end very badly.

 This will end very badly

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