The New Neighbourhood

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Moving into a new location can be scary, can it not? A whole different town layout you have to memorize, stores and houses that don't look familiar to the mind of a young child, and the whole place is inhabited with strangers so you'd feel too anxious to try and strike up a conversation with any of them. To most children, it sounds like a difficult experience to take part in.

And speaking of children, currently over inside a car that's currently driving into the town of faraway has a family of three sitting inside, a mother and father in the front row, and a child in the back row. The child in question has messy (H/C) hair that nearly reaches down to the child's face, (E/C) eyes that uncomfortably shift around, and is wearing a (F/C) shirt with some blue shorts, white socks, and black shoes. This child's name is (Y/N) (L/N), and he's nine years old.

As (Y/N) occasionally takes a glimpse out of the nearby window, curiously taking a look at the passing houses, the two parents in the front (those being Tracy (L/N) and Anthony (L/N) respectfully) continue driving through the streets of Faraway, following a moving van that's in front of their family car, until both vehicles pull up to a three-story house. It may not look like much, but it does bring a calming atmosphere for any newcomers in the area. After parking the car in the runway, Tracy steps out of the driver seat and opens the door to her child's seat.

Tracy: Alright, (Y/N). I know this still might be a bit scary to you, but remember why we've moved. Mommy and Daddy can't go back because of what happened, so this'll be our new home starting now. (sees her son looking uncomfortable) Don't worry, (Y/N). You can still make new friends here once you feel comfortable enough.

(Y/N): (slowly nods) Okay...

After exiting the car, (Y/N) takes a moment to look around, noting his new house, the two other houses beside him, both ends of the street, and the sun still in the sky, it's placement showing that the afternoon is about to begin. As the moving company helps bring in all the furniture into the new house, (Y/N) turns around, only to jump back slightly from two new figures standing right there. The first appears to a female around the same age as him, with black hair, black eyes, purple shoes, a green checkered-pattern shirt, and a red skirt.

As for the other figure holding the girl's hand, they appear to be a boy that looks younger than them both, having messy black hair, black eyes, black shoes, and is wearing a grey t-shirt and blue shorts. While the female's expression has a bright warm smile on her face, the boy appears to have instead a blank stare, which just makes (Y/N) feel more uncomfortable, before any of them begin speaking.

Young Girl: (eyes shining) Hi!! We just noticed that you and your parents have moved next door to us, and we wanted to come and say hi!! What's your-

Before the girl could finish her sentence, (Y/N) quickly runs away, feeling a bit intimidated by the bright atmosphere, and soon takes cover behind his mother's legs. Tracy looks down from informing the moving company which room the furniture belongs in, and sees her nervous son, followed by the two other kids walking over. Speaking of the two other kids, the female then notices the expression (Y/N) has, as well as his body language, and realises what happened, so her own expression softens up.

Tracy: (kneels down) Are you okay, sweetie? Is something wrong?

Young girl: Sorry, miss. We just wanted to meet the new neighbours, and I didn't know that the new kid was shy.

Tracy: (smiles) It's okay, dear. We just had to move from a bad home, so my son may be a little bit shy. What are your names?

Young Girl: (beams) My name is Mari, and this is my little brother, Sunny! (shakes Sunny's hand) Say hi, Sunny.

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