Chapter 17__Accusing

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Kulsum's POV-

I was about to go home and crash but I got a call from a senior citizen who was an old man.

He was staying in a hotel and couldn't make it to my clinic, so Emir and I went over to his hotel and I gave him the required therapy.

I actually felt so glad, he was such a sweet and warm person and he even paid me double the amount I charged.

I got out of his room along with Emir, and just then I heard a familiar voice in the lobby.

It was a female voice but I couldn't hear what she was saying.
I turned around and I wished that the ground would open up and swallow me!

I witnessed Abdul Razzaq getting into one of the hotel rooms, and then I realised....that voice was none other than Esra's.

He went inside and closed it while my heart shattered into million pieces.
Was Emir telling the truth?

"Kulsum, you okay?" Emir interrupted my bubble of thoughts.
"Uh- yeah, yes of course." I lied.

There were million things churning inside my mind.
Could he actually be cheating on me?

He wouldn't right? But somehow I'm having a hard time trusting him.
But then again, why would I care if he even cheats on me?

It's just for 7 months anyways....

Emir dropped me home and I anxiously walked up to my room.
I swear I'll kill Esra!

It shouldn't bother me! But somehow it is bothering me!
No, it's wrecking me up!

I hurriedly changed into my night wears and hit the lights off.
But I couldn't sleep, the thought of Abdul Razzaq with Esra was making me sick to my stomach.

I was walking back and forth when the door flew opened and there entered Abdul Razzaq with his usual ice cold expression.

Only this time, I could sense the rage burning up behind his ocean blue eyes.
He started approaching me as I gulped.

I started stepping back as he lept forward, his eyes darting mine.
My back finally hit the walls as his feet brushed against mine and his arms caging me in his peiskos like embrace.

His eyes darkened as he clenched his jaw. "Where were you?" He whispered as his voice grew dark.

He sounds so dangerous, I'm having a feeling that he would slay me right here.
"I could ask you the same thing." I lifted my head.

"Answer the question Kulsum, don't play games with me." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not playing games, you can't just show up here and ask me where I was while you're not explaining to me either." I breathed.

He just flared his nostrils and pulled away and I could sense a disappointing rage in his eyes.

I don't know why is he behaving like this! In fact I should've been the one interrogating him.

"Out of all the obnoxious things you did, this one is on top of the list. I did not expected this from you." He made a disappointing expression.

Wait what!? First he cheats on me and then blame me for something I don't know what!
If he thinks he'll just come up to me and loathe about me.....he's wrong because I won't tolerate it.

"Alright now you listen to me! First you won't spit what've I done, and then you spit filthy words about me.
And second who the hell are you to judge me when you yourself are a maladorous man. You first justify your actions and then lecture me okay!" I raised my voice at him as my blood boiled.

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