Chapter 8- Report Card

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I am sooo happy today!! Mostly because it's my last day of school. Even though I'm homeschooled I still look forward to the last day just like everyone else. I am scared though because my report card is available by 5pm and I don't think I did very good. All good days come to an end at some point so I'm going to enjoy my good day while it lasts. I got showered and went downstairs for breakfast. The boys took a break from touring so they're all here. I walk into the kitchen and it smells amazing, Harry's making his famous waffles! Yumm

"Good morning babe." Liam said cheerfully.

"Good morning." I said as I hugged all of them.

Once all of the "good mornings" were exchanged Harry handed me a plate with waffles and strawberries. We all ate breakfast together and then I had to go get started on my school work. No, I shouldn't have school work on the last day but I do because I procrastinate. Don't judge. I have to complete a 5 page paper on the American revolution, I have to do a science project, and I have to do a 3 page English paper on what I learned this year. Great! (Note the sarcasm) It was already 10am so I decided to do the science project first. By the time I got that done Liam called me down for lunch.

"What are you doing up there?" Zayn asked me accusingly.

"Some last minute work, shouldn't be too much longer." I said as I took a bite of my quesadilla.

"Okay." He said with a hint of question in his voice.

"You told me you were done your work already." Harry said angrily.

"I thought I was, they just added it." I said defensively.

"They don't add stuff on the last day Gianna." He said with a huff.

This is not going to end well for me. Wait until they find out about my grades. I'm going to be a dead girl, one of the joys of being with 5 brotherly figures!!

"Okay, so I might have been procrastinating a bit, but I'll get it done. I promise." I said with my hands up in surrender.

"You better." Liam said while gathering the plates and cups from lunch.

Okay, now it's 1pm. I don't have much longer to get this stuff handed in. By 4:30 I had both of my papers done and I think I did pretty good. At 4:50 I got an email from my history and English teachers and turns out I got an A on both of the papers. Not bad. At 5 Louis called me down to help him with dinner. The boys take turns cooking, Harry's nights are my favorite. Louis was making homemade pizza and said he needed a girls touch to make it perfect. Whatever you say Lou. We started with making the dough from scratch. We had some trouble.

"Lou, I think we added to much water." I said while mixing the "dough".

"Why would you think that?" He asked sassily.

"Maybe because it looks more like soup than it does pizza dough." I said just as sassily, he really is rubbing off on me.

"Touché." He said defeatedly.

Turns out we added like 3 times the amount we were supposed to. Louis' brilliant plan was to add more four until it reached dough consistency. Big mistake. It started to get bigger and bigger and eventually it was all over the counter. Needless to say we ended up ordering the pizza. While we waited we watched Despicable Me. It only took about 20 minutes to get here though so we finished watching the movie while we ate. When it was over it was about 8pm. (Lou and I tried to save our dough for about an hour) after we cleaned up I went upstairs to put pajamas on. Then Liam knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I called through my door.

He came in and looked pretty happy. I guess he hasn't seen my report card yet.

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