Chapter 5- Liam and Gianna's Day Part 1- Bowling

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I haven't been doing too well so I'm really sorry about that. But hey at least I'm updating now. This chapter is not going to have any spanking in it since I want it to be Liam and Gianna just having fun together all day. Hope you enjoy it and if you have any ideas leave them in the comments below. ~Taylor P.S. One directions new love. How about you guys?

Gianna's POV

So today Liam and I are just having a brother/sister day and I can't wait! We haven't had a day like this in a while and I've missed it. I love the other boys and everything but sometimes I just wish it was Liam, my parents, and me. We're going bowling, then we're going to the mall, and lastly we're going to the park, we like going to the park at sunset. It's so fun. 

"Gianna, come on. We have to leave," Liam called up to me. 

"Coming, I'm just putting my shoes on!," I called back down to him. I feel like since my parents died and the boys came to stay here, Liam and I have been sort of drifting apart. Today is the day to stop that from happening.

"Ok," Liam said. 

Once I finished getting ready I was ready to go. I went downstairs and saw Liam sitting on the couch watching football. "You ready?" I asked him happily.

"Sure, are you?" he said jokingly. He just loves to joke....hahaha.

"I actually am, see," I said while pointing to myself.

"I do see. Let's go," he said happily. 

"Ok," I said. I am so excited for this day because I love hanging out with my brother but it usually ends with my bottom being sore, that's not fun. We got in the car and headed to the bowling alley. When we got there it was empty, I guess Liam called them and asked to just have it open for the two of us. Sometimes I like when that happens but sometimes it's annoying because I don't feel like a normal fourteen year old going bowling with her brother, I feel like Gianna Payne, Liam Payne's little sister. Anyway, when we got there we went in and got set up with shoes and bowling balls.

"You wanna go first Gi?," Liam asked me. 

"Yeah, sure," I said as I grabbed my pink bowling ball and got ready to throw. When I threw it I was in shock, it was going in a staright line and I got a strike. "Wow."

"Good job," Liam said to me as he high-fived me. Then he grabbed his blue ball and threw it, he got a strike too. "It's on now little sis," he said competitively.

"Ok, fine," I said just as competitively. I grabbed my pink and green camaflouge ball and threw it. Again, it was a strike. I'm on a roll today, haha, get it, roll. I sarted laughing at my own joke, sad. Liam picked up his red ball and threw it, strike. Then I grabbed my green ball and threw it, strike. This continued up until the last round, I went and got a strike, then it was Liam's turn. The pressure was on for him, he couldn't lose to his little sister, so he better tie (not sure how to spell it that way) with me instead. He got up to the lane with his pretty purple ball, he got in position and threw it. It looked like it was going to go straight but then it started going to the left and he ended up getting 2/10 pins. He was defeated and it was my first time bowling a whole game of strikes. "Good job," I said sweetly. 

"Oh thanks, you too, I've never seen you bowl that good before," he said in a defeated tone. 

"Yeah, me either. I guess there really is a first time for everything," I said happily. "So, are we going to the mall now?"

"If that's where you want to go," he said while putting his shoes back on and giving the bowling shoes back to the man.

"Yeah, but I don't really want to shop, I'm tired out from beating you," I said while laughing.

"Haha, very funny."

"I can't wait to tell the boys I beat you."

"You better not....." he said while glaring at me playfully.

"Ok, we'll see," I said while still laughing. 

Ok guys, so I think I might do this in 3 parts. This was part 1, the mall will be part 2, and then the park will be part 3. I think I will start doing these QOTD: What's your favorite song on FOUR? AOTD: Steal My Girl. Leave your answers in the comments so I can get to know you guys a little bit. Hopefully I'll start updating every day and that way they'll be QOTD and not QOTW. Hope you enjoyed and I'll try to update tomorrow, but I better get some reads.........~Taylor

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