Chapter 1.1

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Dear diary,
I know you don't know me yet soo let me introduce myself! Hi. The name's Jade. How are you doing?... Hmph now that I think about it it's wierd to ask a book that. Anyway. Today my Brother and I went to a far away land. The people there never heard of magic... I mean that's so wierd! I still don't understand how they live like this... Juan said that it's actually not that hard. I completely forgot he doesen't use his magic anymore. Oops. Well either way we spend the day in that land, getting to know it's customs and traditions and everything. Juan also spotted a guitar and started playing. That was my sign to go off on my own. I mean don't get me wrong I like it when he plays. But jeez does he have to do it for hours straight?! In the end he starts saying his poetic stuff again. Nope I'm out. So I strolled through the bustling streets on my own. A few bandits tried to store up some trouble here and there but I quickly cut 'em down one by one. Seriously they really need to step up their game. Fighting them is so boring! Or am I just way to good? That's worth figuring out. I'll put that on my to do list right after "saving the universe" and "stopping my twin from doing stupid stuff". Then I ventured into the forests. It was so nice to be away from the crowded streets and noisy cities. While taking a walk through a really pretty forest and admiring the green leaves shining because of the warm summer sun putting them in a beautiful light, I came across a gorgeus waterfall. The sunlight had the water glittering so pretty, I never wanted to leave. I silently hummed for myself until my body started to move on it's own to the familiar rythm of my soul. Although it's scarred, bruised and bloody from all the battles I fought, I know there is still beauty in my soul and peace in my heart. The tranquil athmosphere soon started to have an impact on me and I took a very refreshing nap admidst the peace of this little oasis. Until a deer woke me up at dusk that is :/
I got ready to head back into town so Juan wouldn't be worried, I really don't know what's going on inside his head. I mean I am a better fighter than he is and yet he tends to be so stubborn and worried if he doesen't know where I went... Are brothers supposed to be like that??? Man I don't know. But now that I wrote in this book what should I do? Hmm keeping it? Nah. Something is special about this... Hmm... Oh I know maybe I'll leave it somewhere equally magical to where I found it!!! And every person who discovers it writes down their life story... So when it falls into a dreamers hands, they can read it and live these stories with us... Yeah I'll do that... So next person discoverring this book... You know what you have to do 😉. But for now I'll be the first to tell the tale of my life...

My story should begin the day my adoptive Mother took me in. I, by accident and because of childish curiousity, walked through a portal. I don't remember what happened before that or how I even ended up near that portal but hey it certainly wasn't bad for me. A woman then spotted me after the portal closed and asked me about where I came from or who I was. Well I just stared at her for a few moments before I blinked and said: "You're pretty. I like you"... Yeah. That's what I said. A 5 year old girl making a compliment to a random woman. Since I couldn't or refused to tell the woman about my origins, she adopted me. I mean where else was I supposed to go? Nobody knew. Now that I think about it I had a pretty good life with her... You may think I lived happily ever after with her but no that's pretty boring. So, at the age of 13 ,almost 14, I sneaked out to travel the World. I went far and wide all over the continents and it was amazing. I got to know many different cultures and learned hiw to use magic and weapons fron various people. The friends I made on this journey... I'll never forget 'em. Then I somehow landed in another Dimension.

I swear it was a coinicedence

And I just so happened to run into a guy that looked like me, if I was male. And ya' ll probably guessed it. That was my twin Juan. Now at that moment I didn't know he was my twin. ...We ended up going for eachothers throat... Yep. That was the first encounter I had with my twin. A duel. Eventually his family, which turned out to be my family later on, broke us apart. Now when they saw me, I was 17 at that time, they looked like seeing a ghost. And I was like
😶😶😶. I literally just stood there and blankly stared ahead. My brain did not want to function that day. After a few moments of silence they started being exited and started to talk about the possiblity of me being their lost kid... I did not appreciate that. We made a DNA test either way and woah who'd have thought... I was indeed Juans twin. Sh*t. So I lived there for a good 6 years. Got to know Juan and a younger Sister of mine that I won't elaborate on because she might sue me if she finds out :/ Anyway after those 6 years I got bored again and so me and Juan went to travel the World together. Before you call me bratty, no that's not it. I just yearn for change sometimes so every day doesen't always stay the same. Back to the topic at hand. We, Juan and I, came across a small village that was being raided by barbarians. I send them running and Juan and I decided to stay there for a bit longer. We helped the people rebuild their city, protected it from those pathetic little thieves and over time the village expanded as more and more people from nearby villages came to this one to settle down and live without needing to fear the barbarians. One thing let to the other and now Juan and I are the leaders or a huge city that prospers and lives in peace... Of course I might have started one or two wars with other cities throughout the years but we always won! Now I'm 46 but I still look like 23 because my family has very good genes and we don't age that fast. You may ask what about my adoptive Mother and well... I never actually once returned to her home for a visit... Now this might sound ungrateful to you but for me... I am kinda afraid of how she'll react when seeing me again after all this time. I mean I left her when I was 13... I haven't seen or contacted her in 33 years... What's she gonna think when seeing me again?

"She's gonna be extremly grateful that you're fine"

Shut it Juan! But yeah he's probably right... Maybe I should go and visit her after all... But that's a different Story. I think this is enough from me no? Let's leave a few pages for the folks after me now shall we? I really hope you who reads this has a wonderful day and let's hope you never find yourself at the wrong end of my blade...

Bye :D

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