Human-like Species

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Average height: 6'6"

Description: Fully human appearance.

Abilities: Some humans can wield magic.

Weaknesses: Humans are susceptible to most weapons, poisons, and magic.


Average height: 6'10"

Description: Fully human appearance ranging to fully animal appearance.

Abilities: Can turn into animals either at will or based on the moon cycle, depending on breed. Some are immune to poison and magic. Their senses and many times stronger than a human's.

Breeds: Fenrir - The most powerful shifter breed. These creatures tend to be among the tallest living hominids, and can shift into and alter the size of their animal body at will. However, Fenrir shifters are rare. Alpha - The 'ruling' breed. This breed is known for their strength and intelligence, and can shift into animal form at will. Alphas form packs and rule the other shifter breeds. Beta - The common breed. These shifters are inferior to the Fenrir and Alpha breeds in terms of strength, but have above-average intelligence. Most can shift at will. Omega - The weakest shifter breed. These shifters generally lack strength and have average intelligence levels. Omegas are dependent on the moon cycle to shift into their animal form.

Weaknesses: Black Platinum, some Shifter species are also susceptible to Wolfsbane and Dragonsbane.


Average height: 6'8"

Description: Human-like with longer, sharper canines. Fang count varies between 2 and 4. Can occasionally have slit pupils.

Abilities: Vampires can use magic and survive for months without food or water, and have heightened senses of sight, hearing, and smell.

Weaknesses: Wood from an Ancient Black Oak tree, Black Platinum.


Average height: 7'0"

Description: Human-like, with pointed ears and beautiful features.

Abilities: Powerful magic users, can communicate with the environment around them.

Weaknesses: Elves rely on their connection with nature for their powerful magic.


Average height: Can range from a few inches tall to taller than an elf.

Description: Semi-human, with any combination of human and animal features. Almost always have wings.

Abilities: Powerful magic users, can communicate with and become part of their environment.

Weaknesses: Water, fire.


Average height: 4'0"

Description: Human-like.

Abilities: Dwarves can forge any object and use certain types of magic.

Weaknesses: Black Platinum.


Average height: 6'7"

Description: Human-like from the waist up, with goat-like legs and horns.

Abilities: Can climb sheer cliff faces and use certain types of magic. Their senses are stronger than a human's.

Weaknesses: Centaurs are susceptible to most weapons and magic.


Average height: 8'4"

Description: Human-like torso and head with a horse's body.

Abilities: Can outrun every species except Fenrir shapeshifters and dragons. Have excellent senses and powerful magic.

Weaknesses: Their large size makes them easier to hit.


Average height:8'0"

Description: Human-like from the waist up, lower body resembles marine animals' tails.

Abilities: Can breathe underwater, see in the dark, and use magic. Some can turn their tail into legs to walk on land.

Weaknesses: Quickly become dehydrated if not in water.


Average height: 6'8"

Description: Human-like with large, bird-like wings.

Abilities: Powerful magic users, can survive in any environment.

Weaknesses: Black Platinum.


Average height: 6'8"

Description: Human-like with large bat or bird-like wings. Some have horns and/or fangs.

Abilities: Powerful magic users, can survive anywhere.

Weaknesses: Black Platinum.


Average height: 8'2"

Description: Human-like, occasionally have animal features.

Abilities: The strongest magic users on Erdis, and literal gods.

Weaknesses: Black Platinum.

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