Lilly's POV

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It was a new school year. i entered my tutor, i was late but i knew my tutor wasn't strict so i wouldn't have  a detention on the fist day back. 

"late again Lillian" said Mr Brent wood 

"yeah i know sir, i woke up late i'm sorry" [L]

"its ok just happy i still have the pleasure of teaching you this year. Go sit down at the back you're next to Ben"    [MR B]

"ugh again sir i was sat next to him last year to" [L]

i walked to the back of the class room and pulled out my phone and looked at insta that was when a loud bang emerged  i presumed it was an obnoxious kid was rocking on the back of their chair and must of fell off it. I looked up and saw the suspect grabbing her chair and sitting it up properly then fumbling with her bag 

sorry sir a muffled voice stuttered 

"its fine but are you hurt as i'd have to fill out so much paperwork" 

"no i'm all good" the voice muttered

she turned around seeing how many people had seen her fall. her short hair carelessly licking her cheek she ran her fingers through the mop to try and tame it 

we made eye contact and i waved to show her that i saw horrid fall  when all of a sudden blood ran down her button nose. i put my phone into my pocket and got up from my table so i could help her. "SIR" i screamed "SHES HAVING A NOSE BLEED i'm gonna take her to the toilets and help her out"

"ok just come back soon and don't get caught take Sasha's medical card with you"

ok all good, you know i never get caught being out of lesson sir!" i said running out the door with the girl 

so what your name i asked..

"Sam" she replied 

"i love that name its so cute" 

i walked to the toilet stall and grabbed a handful of tissues she dabbed her nose carefully and i ran to my locker to get the spare top i kept in there in case of emergencies it was small and very tight. i noticed that the shirt that Sam was wearing was loose fitting on her so when i got back to the toilets i pulled off my shirt and put on the tight one passing the previous shirt to her.

"turn around" Sam said 

"ok" i replied as i swiftly made a turn towards the wall 

"oh erm thank you nobodies ever listened or respected me enough to do that." said Sam

"That's disgusting.... why wouldn't somebody just turn around, i'm so sorry that happened some people truly are vile." i told her 

we finished tidying up and started to go back to class. 

"So um you weren't here last term, why are you here now i mean it's not that good if i'm honest 

well at my old school i was bullied a lot so much so that i started to believe i was a problem and started to um....Sam's voice cracked... hurt myself when my closest friend found out she told her friend who told everyone at school and then the bullying got worse and worse to the point i didn't want to be here anymore and i tried to end it. when my mum found out she sent me to counselling where i just stayed quiet and left when it was over the first few times i had tried to just leg it but there was a big security guy who just came and grabbed me and dragged me inside, there was no escape and i had no choice they did however change my counselor after a while  and it did help i felt more comfortable and i actually spoke to him we made progress and i found out i have bipolar and some other issues but i'm getting better somewhat.... OMG i'm so sorry i didn't mean to just trauma dump oh i'm so stupid i'm just gonna go once again i'm so sorry...

WAIT i said please don't go i reached out for her hand i promise we will get through it please come here give me a hug, it seems like you need it after all she grabbed my shoulders and i pulled her close when i heard a gulp and a slow broken hum escape from her lips followed by sniffling and a wail that should never have escaped anyone's mouth. you could hear the pain tearing her up inside. 

i slowly moved us lower to the floor as i hugged and cradled her as she wept and wept her breathing sped up she stated to shake and i pulled her in tighter telling her it would be ok and that i was there for her i ran my hands through her short brunette hair her eyeliner and mascara smudging on her face and my shirt, but i didn't mind she needed me and i cared for her more than ever  i was the only one there for her. i knew i couldn't change her past but i could help give her the best future i felt her grip loosen and her shaking calmed. we got up and she looked so worn out. the bell for the next lesson rang and i pulled out my timetable to check what i had next, history with Mr Brent wood it must have been fate because Sam had him too i walked into the class early to ask if i could sit next to Sam. It turned out her last name had the same initial as mine and Mr Brentwood had sat us in register order Sam followed me in and we sat down at the back of the class and i showed Sam my timetable it turned out that Sam had the exact same as mine, the hour passed in a flash and then it was PE we were doing cross country which was my favorite but something felt off i couldn't place what it was. I felt exhausted and i didn't know  why, but i got up and walked to the school field and got in line with the rest, Sam standing by my side Mr Johnson blew the whistle and we were off as many laps as you could do around the field and common i was at around 2 laps when i stated to feel dizzy and i was right in the middle of the field suddenly my legs fell under me and collapsed.

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