Sam's pov

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i felt so guilty lying to my best friend but i was so afraid of telling her what if she judge me,shes been so nice to me what if this changes everything  i really don't want to loose her 

suddenly i felt a cold but gentle tear roll down my cheek i quickly wiped it away i had no time to waste on my emotions its ridiculous can't go one day without crying if only my counselor would've moved here with me because i'm not getting a new one. i finally fell asleep but had the most horrid nightmare, they only happened when the bullying got bad so for them to happen again it was terrifying all i saw was the faces of my disappointed looks on my friends and families faces after i told them.

shortly after i woke up i couldn't stay asleep with all of that going on i turned on my side being careful to not pull my new piercings  out my ears the time was 4:30am so i got up out of bed turned on my LED's on and started getting dressed for school. i was so excited to see lilly hopefully feeling much better i needed to talk to her about what happened i know what its like to not feel like eating it was all too similar.  I left the house and got in  my dad's car as we pulled out the gates it felt like a security blanket was lifted all the protection i had from home was no longer there but it was ok i had lilly and that is all i needed shes all i ever needed which is why it sucked so much keeping a secret from her 

i got out the car and walked through the school gates i saw Mr Brentwood he looked nervous i ran to catch him up and let him know what happened 

"hey sir i don't know if you know what happened yesterday but lilly is ok she texted me last night."

"do you know if shes in today i need to show her something"

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