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This chapter is about 7 months after the last chapter (i'm so lazy watafak🌚) anyways... yea

"Sweetie? You here?" Hyunjin peaks his head into our room we share in his house

"Yea, i'm here Hyunjin. What's wrong?"
He comes into the room fidgeting with hid fingers

"I may have had sex with a different person-
Please don't break up with my i promise we were drunk... and this was like- yesterday" Hyunjin pleaded getting down on his knees and putting his hands in a praying kind of way

"Do you know what Hyunjin? You're a lying fuck. We went bowling yesterday, how could you fucking forget that? I was with you for the whole day. I even saw a random bra in our room under the bed - I don't fucking use bra's Hyunjin. You smelt so different. You acted so different. You act just like my fucking ex. You know how my ex acted. Because i told all of that to you. You're so fucking unbelievable Hwang." I say and grab the suitcases and bags that were hidden behind some furniture in the room

"Baby... you could've said and we could've fixed everything and we wouldn't be in this position... c'mon just give me a second chance baby" Hyunjin pleaded getting up from his position a while ago and starting to panic when i pulled the suitcases out

"I gave everyone second chances and they did the same thing to me Hyunjin. I really can't trust anyone at this point but i keep on getting stuck in love. This is just a fucking cycle in my life. And i thought our relationship was going to be different. I thought our relationship was going to change my whole life. But unfortunately no. My life just has to be the fuck up. I'm the fuck up person, nobody ever fucking cares about me like the way i care about them. I'm so sorry Hyunjin but I actually can't keep up with this relationship anymore. We can still be friends and all. But I can't forgive you about all the lying just now. I'm taking my leave now Hwang. Anything to say to me?"

"I'm so fucking sorry swee- Leebit.
(I can't take the name seriously omfg)
Can we still be friends? You don't have to forgive me at the moment." Hyunjin said having many emotions in his sentence and eyes.

"Of-course we could still be friends Hyunjin, and soon i have to tell you my real name..." I looked down at my feet at the last part

"What do you mean real-? Oh my god. Leebit isn't your real name?" Hyunjin's eyes widened as my smile spread more

"Nope, i cringed every time you called me Leebit oh my god." I smile more and see Hyunjin's smile appear aswell

"Damn, well want me to buy you a place to stay? While you look for a new job or something like that?" Hyunjin asked bringing his phone out
"I was looking for a new house for us to stay in near by, this is the perfect timing because people are looking to sell houses to me!" Hyunjin squealed putting his phone in my hands

I scroll through the options on his phone
Scanning every house or apartment that caught my attention. I scrolled some more until one caught my eye a lot. It was an apartment not too far away but far away if you know what i mean. It was where a lot of malls were and a lot of jobs that pay good. It was small enough for 1-2 people. It looked so cozy, the shapes of the rooms looked so good.

"Hey Hyunjin? This apartment looks so cute! Can I view it? Maybe this weekend? Saturday?" I asked Hyunjin, I felt my eyes sparkling from the amazement I just saw

"Sure! So you wanna stay here until I buy it?" Hyunjin asked looking over my shoulder to see the apartment

"Why not?" I squealed at the thought of decorating the apartment


The landlord stood at the front of the door, the landlord was an old man. I assumed he was working as a typer because of the business tag in his pocket

"Hi Mr.Hwang! I would gladly sell this house to you if you want, come inside let's talk!" The old man smiled at us and opened the door letting us in

We all sat down and Hyunjin started talking first
"Okay so my friend here is looking for a place to stay, yes I would like to buy the house but put the house under his name but i'm buying it. Take out all the furniture and paint all the walls white. Minho told me this is what he wanted" Hyunjin said bringing out a note that I had wrote on that listed all the things i did and didn't want in the apartment

The landlord softly got it from Hyunjin's hand and read it. "Mhm, that's pretty good we'll just get some builders to touch the apartment up. They're not going to do any building they're just going to touch up and paint it completely white." He smiled at us handing the note to me

"Now what's you're friend's name?"

"He will tell you"

"Okay... Me and Hyunjin are just going to have a talk about signing shit. You can look around the apartment for about 40minutes?"


Hyunjin mouthed me a 'how the fuck does this guy swear at his age'

I giggled a bit at Hyunjin's dramatic stage. Other than that i first looked around the kitchen. It was nice and neat. A lot of marble on the counters. A nice and appropriate size fridge. The oven looks so cool and the sink is amazing..

I walked towards the living-room not too far away from the kitchen, it has a pretty big enough space for hangouts and stuff, i smile at myself imagining having friends around the table. I walk out of the room to the main bedroom.

I open the door and my eyes glisten in amazement the bedroom is quite big and there was a bathroom connected inside and a walk-in closet. I checked the bathroom, I has a bath and a shower, toilet and sink obviously. It was very big

I went out of the main room and went to the 3rd last room, It was a guest room. It was big enough for 2 people. There was a tiny closet at the side. I quickly went out as there was not much to see in that room.

Then went to the 2nd last room. The bathroom, It was good only a shower,toilet and sink. It was nice and built well-y.

I jogged over to the last room as i heard Hyunjin and the old man finishing their conversation.
The room is an extra room but the old man used it as an office room.. I wonder what i will be using this room for..

I went back to the kitchen where the two males are and Hyunjin started talking
"Okay Leebit, Mr. Seo said that he will notify you when the apartment is ready but he'd estimated for it to be ready in 4 months"

"Okay... Leebit.. Just give me your real name and..."

   Name : Lee Minho
DOB : October 25th 1998
Work position : Un-employed looking for a job
No. : *************
Address : .........
Email : —————

    Sign here : 민호

"Okay Leebit we're all set.. I will email you when it's been done" Mr.Seo smiled at me

"Okay" I smiled back at him


"Yes Hyunjin?"

"What's his name?"


"Tell me or i will send my team to kill you."

"Lee Minho.. sir."


"What the fuck.." Hyunjin whispered under his breath

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