Prank Buddies

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{{Art by @JAXSTERRAPP on Instagram}}

*Kitsu POV*

I was finnishing preparations for a prank in my room before Jax burst into my room ''KITSU!'' My head snapped around ''What is it?'' I Sigh, I was pissed at the fact this prank was taking so long it had started to eat into my time ''Chillax Kitkat I just wanna know if you're done with the prank preparation,'' He smirked a big toothy grin appeared on his face ''Nearly, I just need to finnish the last tooth on it. But are you sure this will work?'' I ask, He walked over and leaned against my nightstand ''Of course I do, That bubble will be SO confused, And with your art skills'' He booped my nose ''I'm sure it'll look just like em'!'' He leaned in looking at the balloon that I had decorated to look like bubble. Our prank was that I would make a replica of bubble and Jax would tie it to a clear string and trick bubble into thinking he had a twin, I still wasn't confident it would work. I could tell he had began to get bored as he began to tap his foot and stare at his hand ''Alright, Alright I'm done.'' I showed it to him and he grinned before reaching into the large pouch on his overalls and pulling out some invisible string and tying it to the balloon ''Alright Kit time to go pull our prank!'' I smiled, relived that i had finally finished that stupid prank that had took me over 30 minutes to make using all that hot glue, cardboard, paint and all sorts just to make it look accurate, usually I like our pranks but this one I didn't like ''Okay then lets go find the bubble,'' I say as I stand up and walk over to my door.

Finally, Me and Jax had found bubble and hid behind a wall as the string floated closer to bubble, he stared at the balloon and seemed confused ''Eh'' He tried to bite the ballon and as soon as he did it popped making him jolt back ''AHH I JUST *HONK* MYSELF'' Uncontrollably, We both burst out laughing and making bubble himself laugh. Jax held out his hand for a hive five and I did too ''OH WE GOT EM GOOD!'' I let out a wheeze but then we heard a voice come from behind us we turned around and it was Ragatha ''Guys...'' I blinked continuously ''Uhhhh and thats our cue to go,'' I ran without hesitations and grabbed Jax's arm as I ran to behind one of the massive structures in the tent. ''Phew that was a CA LOSE (Close) one!'' Jax said taking a breath of air ''Y'know who is Ragatha to tell us what we can and can't do she's not our Mom!'' I yell out placing a hand on my hip, Jax nodded in agreement ''Y'knooooow wwhat if we play a little.... prank on her, Waddya say?'' He smirked, ''You're speakin my language bud,'' I grin ''I've got afew ideas...'' He said ominously ''Oh, I'd be open to listen to em,''

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