Present - Quinn

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"Quinn, are you ready for the second part of your test?"

"I was born ready, Captain."

She jumped at me, stabbing toward my left side. Instinctively, I dropped my sword down and deflected it. She swung upward, using the momentum to attack my other side. I stepped back and slashed up, deflecting her sword which barely missed my face. She continued to attack and I deflected. I made eye contact with her.

My heart stopped.

Captain's eyes flashed with tinges of vicious, nearly inhuman callousness. Her face was flushed with exertion. Her teeth were slightly bared, and she looked as if she had no intention of stopping. She perfectly executed each move with merciless control.


"If you want to come inside, you're gonna have to work for it." My sister said, holding a fist of my hair to keep me close. Her eyes were viscous, nearly inhuman. Her teeth bared as she hissed into my face. Her face flushed from screaming. I'd learned years ago that I shouldn't struggle or fight. I had to succumb to her beating.

She thrust me forward and I landed hard on the ground. She started kicking me, over and over again.

As she did this, she sang a song. It was a song that my mom used to sing to us before she became unglued.

"...No matter rain or shine..."

Her heel jabbed into my hip. I could barely breathe.

"...No matter what you do..."

My head hurt and my hands were covered in my blood.

"...Forever you'll be mine..."

I covered my face with my hands and dug my dirty fingernails into my forehead to keep from screaming.

"...I'll always love you..."

She spit on me, turned around, and slammed the door shut.

The memory faded, and I was back. I crumbled to the ground, putting my sword in between her and me. I whimpered. Panic had seized my body and I was paralyzed.

It's not her. Pull it together, Quinn.

The animal look in her eye disappeared and she put her sword down. She reached a hand out to help me up. I hesitated for a moment, flinching as she reached for me.

"Are you alright?" She asked her, her eyebrows knit slightly in concern.

"Yeah." I tried to say, but it came out more shakily than I would've liked.

"That was good." She said, smiling. "You'll have your results soon."

She sheathed her sword and nodded at me respectfully.

"Thank you." I said to her as she walked away. I trotted back to the barracks, glowing with joy.

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