Old places

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-Is this...

-My house, Minho stared at the humble abode he used to call home.

It was all left at the mercy of time and weather. Ivy grew on its walls blocking the main entrance and the windows. In the garden there was an old bike that once belonged to Minho's father.

-Let's go in and see what's there! Felix said.

He struggled to open the door and when he finally did he was met with a cloud of dust.

The inside of the house was entirely gray. Mold was in ever corner of the room.

Minho paced around, looking at his old stuff. The old radio his father brought from the army, the notebooks he used to study calculus on, the counter his father would prepare him breakfast on, the couch where he would bring his friends to hang out with.

Everything was just a shadow of its original glory. Just like Minho.

Felix found a frame and blew the dust off the picture. He coughed a bit then ran to show it to Minho.

-Is she your mother? he pointed to a red headed woman with dark eyes and a white smile.

-No... That's auntie Grace. Mom died long ago. She was her sister. She would travel everywhere around the world and bring gifts. She was the one that found the opera and convinced dad to buy it.

-Is she still alive?

-I don't know, Minho shrugged. Maybe. She would be around 50 now.

-Maybe we can find her, Felix smiled to lift Minho's mood up. Oh! You have a surfboard!

-That's an ironing table. Dad got creative.

-He did everything around here, huh? Felix flopped on the couch.

-Yeah. He didn't let me lay a finger on the chores. He was just happy to have me. He was the best. Sometimes I would sneak down here to wash the dishes. He wouldn't let me do his work. Oh, and one night I sneaked out to look at the stars and found him doing the exact same thing! Minho got excited.

Felix watched him smiling and his heart melted. Finally he saw Minho happy.

-You have to see my room! I had the best hiding spot.

-Show me! Felix went along with even more energy.

On the stairs Minho stopped all of a sudden.

-What's wrong? Felix asked afraid.

-Thank you for this! I was a dick to you. I'm really sorry! he said ashamed of himself.

-Don't mention it, Felix replied.

-Is it true? Jisung finally spoke after painfully long hours of silence.

-What? Chan flinched.

-Was Minho my friend?

-Yes. You, Hyunjin-ah and Minho were unseparable. Always plotting something crazy. And I always had to watch you to make sure no one died. One time you sprained your ankle and before I got to you Minho was already carrying you to the house with such a speed.

-I thought... I thought Hyunjin was the one that did that, Jisung frowned.

-No, Chan shook his head. Hyunjin called for me, but Minho carried you back. He also made you climb that tree. I was so stressed thinking you would fall.

-But didn't Hyunjin build that ladder.

-Nope. Minho did.

-And the puppy? Who saved it?


-But... But...

Jisung felt the world spinning around him. Why couldn't he remember it that way? Why did he replace Minho with Hyunjin? What was going on?

He fell for Hyunjin BECAUSE of those things and now he learned it was actually Minho who did those?

-Maybe you'll remember when we get there, Chan patted Jisung lightly.

The boat had one last hour until it would reach the shore. Plenty of time to pounder on the problem.


The older turned around and his face lit up at the sight of a certain brunette with white shorts and a blue top.

-Audrey! Oh my god! he spinned her in the air and hugged her tightly. What are you doing here?

-Vacation, baby! she smiled. I have a few days off from the hospital and I wanted to come back home. What about you? she squeezed lightly Chan's forearms.

-Same. A little trip home. Oh, you remember Jisung!

-Little Sungie! Yes, I remember him! she squeezed Jisung in her embrace. How you've grown! she pinched his cheeks. How are you? Do you feel better? You look so handsome now!

-Thanks? Jisung was a bit taken aback.

Audrey Stanley was Chan's ex fiancée. And according to Chan it was a bad breakup. Yet here they were. Giggling and touchy and completely fine.

-I would love to see the old house! Do you still have the little green fance? And the fountain! Ah, Channie, how I missed you two!

-You can come anytime. You're part of the family, he smiled at her with such loving eyes.

-Ahh! she hugged him tighter. This is the best surprise ever! I'm so happy that we met again!

Jisung remembered Audrey as a serious doctor with glasses and implacable fashion sense. She was always best and nothing less at everything she was doing. She wasn't that affectionate. She would barely let Chan touch her. She also didn't have a tattoo on her wrist and ankle. It was like she turned 180°.

And Chan was never that exciting while talking about her. He used to say he loved her three times a day. Like he was trying to convince himself he did.

After they reached the shore, they had to part ways which eased Jisung. He was still blaming that woman for what happened with his brother.

-See you later, boys! Love you! she waved at them before going her way.

-Isn't she great? Chan chuckled.

-She changed.

-You think?

-Yeah. A lot, Jisung replied unamused. Do you still have feelings for her?

-What? No! Of course not!

-Really? Because you guys were glued to each other just now.

-We're old friends, Jisung. We haven't seen each other in ages. We were just excited to see each other.

-Friends don't look at each other that way.

-Jisung... I don't love her. Okay? I just missed her.

-If you say so. I thought you liked Jeongin...

-I do.

-Doesn't look like it, Jisung kept going with his idea.

-Listen! Chan stopped. She's done so much for our family. I can't repay her enough. I am grateful to her and that's it.

-She ruined our family.

-She... Chan tried to keep himself calm. She saved me. And you.

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