Chapter 1

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The leaves crunch under my feet as I walk to the gates. The strong wind made my hair a mess, but I didn't care. I walk to my car before opening the door and getting in. I drive home before remembering what happened that day.
We got our test back. I remember it being brought back to me, faced down and held, making it look folded. The teacher didn't even look at me when it was brought to my desk. Weird. I flipped the paper face up to see a 99 percent staring back at me. No, it couldn't be...
"Dante, you got a 99?" said someone behind me. I looked back and saw him. Lin-manuel miranda. My posture tensed.
"Yeah, and what did you get?" I said staring into his eyes. He smiled at me and held his paper up. He chuckled softly while I stared at the big 100 percent pasted on his paper.
"Wish that was you, huh?" one of his friends whispered into my ear. I quickly turned to him. He laughed softly before walking to Lin-Manuel Miranda. The bell rang and they walked away, leaving the classroom. I stared back at my test before crumbling it into a ball and throwing it into the trash bin next to the teacher's desk.
"Wish that was you, huh?" I mumbled in a mocking tone before walking back to my desk and grabbing my backpack.
I walked outside for nutrition and walked to the stairs where most of my friends were.
"Hey Dante, what'd you get on the test?" SpongeBob asked. He smiled at me. His smile made me feel warm inside, like a happiness I hadn't felt in ages. The corners of my mouth curved into a smile.
"It was 99," someone said behind me. Oh my god, I can't catch a break, can I? I turned around and saw Lin-Manuel Miranda. I saw him smile at me before looking back at SpongeBob. "He was taking too long answering so I answered for him," he said, his tone so soft but so tense it made me loathe him.
"I can talk, thank you." I stared at him, deep in his eyes. He turned to me and looked at me up and down before licking his lips and looking back into my eyes.
"Can you?" he said, smiling softly. My posture stiffened once more. He walked one step closer to me. "Because I can shut that perfect mouth of yours if you can," he whispered in my ear before taking a step back. "If you know what I mean" he winked at me. He turned to Spongebob. "Sorry about that, but I must leave now." he smiled before walking away with his group of friends.
Spongebob looked at me and there was an awkward silence between us for a second before he broke it. "So, what'd he say." I felt my cheeks grow warm as I Remembered what he said.
"Nothing important."
Words: 497

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