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"Pookie open up for me" Adelina says in a playful way, I chuckle and open the door. "Don't let that jerk ruin your mood bro" she says and I nod while I wipe my tears with the end of my sleeves.

"The thing that he thinks I had other choices is frustrating me" I say "I know, but screw him, you shouldn't care what he thinks" she says and I nod.

"Also, Daniel ran after you, but I stopped him, he can't steal my cookie, he must know his limits" she says sarcastically and I chuckle.

We walk out of the bathroom and go back to the others, we can see from afar that it's quiet between them, Charles isn't there and they're all back to their seats.

"I don't know what's going on between you two but I can guess you don't get on very well" Daniel says in a comforting way and I smile and sit back on my seat.

"Yeah we never really did, but I don't want to talk about it" I tell him and he nods, "it must have been hard for you to adapt" he says and I sigh.

"Very" I say, not wanting to talk more about my past "but I'm fine now, so... there's no need to talk about my past" I say and he nods "sorry if I'm interfering in your private things" he says and I shake my head.

"No no, I know that you just care about me, it just was a very hard time for me and I don't want to remember any of it, I want all these memories to be off my mind" I say and he smiles.

"Yes I know, for some people it's harder to share their thoughts and emotions" he says in a comforting way and I smile "yeah for me it's very hard cause I've been through a lot" I say and he caresses my arm.

For the rest of the flight, it's just me and Daniel talking about our bad habits and weird things about each other, it was mostly him talking though because I don't really like talking about myself.

We've been here for a few days, Adelina and I were in New York and now we're headed to LA, where everyone else is, it's Charles' birthday tomorrow, it's not like I want to go, but I have some plans with Daniel.

We've arrived at the huge house Daniel owns here in LA, Adelina and I are sharing a room while the rest of the rooms are occupied by Max, Lando, Charles, Carlos and obviously Daniel himself.

We've put our things in place and then we head down to the kitchen to grab something to eat, "this house is superb" Adelina says while she looks around as we walk in the kitchen.

"It must be extremely expensive" I say "weren't you supposed to be rich?" She asks me and I chuckle "yeah but I didn't live in such a house, I lived in a penthouse in Monaco and in a crap house in Salvador" I say and she chuckles.

"Yeah but now you have a very nice house" she says "yeah, but it's still an apartment" I say and she nods.

"What are you ladies talking about?" Carlos says from behind us "nothing" we both say and he chuckles "I'm gonna make pancakes, want some?" He asks us "it's literally afternoon" I say and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm hungry" Adelina says "you're always hungry babes" I say and she chuckles "I know bro, it's exhausting" she says as we both sit on the stools.

"Aren't we going to help him a bit?" I ask Adelina "oh we are, we are helping him eat the pancakes" she says and I chuckle, I get up and start helping Carlos with the batter.

How To Disappear | Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now