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After I got off work it was time to meet up with Johnathan. I really did not want to meet up with him, yes he is kind, but I just have this icky feeling in my stomach about building this false hope with him. I went home and got dressed in some casual clothing and then walked to the cafe down the street. He was already sitting there, he looked anxious and upset.

"Hey is everything okay?" I asked as I sat across from him.

"Are you and Archer doing anything inappropriate?" He asked.

I can't understand how he always knew something was up. "No. Why do you ask?"

He cleared his throat, he could clearly tell I was lying. "I was just checking in, that's all. I know, I know. No work talk."

I nodded my head and smiled. "Correct. So how was everything today."

"Well. I took off work today because I had some things to do, family business. Boring stuff." He explained while ordering us some coffee.

"Ah, well I hope everything is okay."

"You're too kind." 

We spent the next hour talking. I told about how I grew up. My family was poor, they could barely afford to get me through school, and I had to pay for my college. Most of the time we hopped and hopped to different houses or apartments. I almost had to drop out of college because my mother fell ill, but she made a speedy recovery. I had two siblings, a brother and a sister, they still live at home with my parents. he showed compassion for my time growing up, however, I couldn't tell him the whole truth about my family.

I did kill my family, that is true. I murdered them because my father was a pimp. He sold women and as a child, I was one of those. I never went overseas and left my house, men would just pay him to take advantage of me. My mother encouraged it, but my siblings never suffered through it. The truth was I had no idea where my siblings were when I murdered my family, they were at my grandparents and I would assume they were still there. One night I just snapped, the cops knew who my parents were and simply turned a blind eye to everything, it was just easier that way. 

We finished the night off with one last coffee before he took me home. I waved him off goodbye and he left. When I walked up to my door, there was a teddy bear and a note attached to it, "Until we meet again." I was confused but I had assumed Archer must have sent someone to do this, it was sweet.

The next morning came and it was right back to work for me. I jumped in my car and headed to work. When I walked in my office Archer was standing there waiting for me at the door.

He smiled when he saw me, and the smirk was back on his face. He seemed somewhat confident as he made his entrance. But he was still trying to figure out what my game was, I was a lot more tricky than he ever imagined. "Well, well. It looks like you weren't joking when you said 24 hours. Looks like someone is taking things very seriously. You look pretty in that outfit today. Did you make sure to dress nice just for me?"

"I have to dress nice for work, thank you though. However, I have a question."

He raised an eyebrow as he leaned against the wall behind him. "Yeah? What's this question of yours?"

"Did you leave a present at my door?"

He chuckled as he replied. "Leave a present at your door? Why the hell would I leave a present at your door?"

"I didn't know if that was part of your plan or not."

He looked confused. "Well of course it wasn't a part of my plan. Even if my goal is to break you down eventually, there's definitely no need for presents. It's just a waste of good money." He then laughed. "Besides, why the hell would I leave a present on your porch like some damn kid? I'm way too mature for that."

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