-- In the Beginning. --

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The four horsemen of the apocalypse, the bringers of the end of the world, the harbingers of doom, and eighteen-year-olds.

And they were on a mission to figure out how to end the world.

Since the dawn of time, humans have always been exceptionally good at bringing about their demise, but they were also exceptionally good and finding hope, and rebuilding.

This was rather unfortunate for the impatient harbingers of doom.

War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death had always known that they were destined for greatness, and they were determined to carry out their mission.

They were meant to be the ones to usher in the end of the world, after all.

The world around them seemed to already be in a state of destruction. Wars breaking out all over the world, viruses that killed thousands, if not millions, and entire cities struggling to survive due to the cost of food and living.

But that didn't stop the four horsemen from making sure finally got their victory.

War was the first to emerge, as he found himself satisfied from his previous entanglement. He had just hacked into a government building's file system and released files about each member of the Senate. Files that, were meant to stay hidden.

He knew that once people began to find these files and share the information around, the people could begin to question their government. Even more so than they did now. And eventually, he knew that they would grow angry, and  anarchy would ensue. He felt that it would be glorious.

He headed towards his ride of choice, a bright red Harley-Davidson Sportster Forty-Eight. His blond hair being quickly hidden and tucked under his matching red helmet. Which was a stark contrast against the gray landscape that was the city. He carried a rather large Swiss army knife against his leg, and an excited look in his eye, as he set off to his favorite restaurant, Five Guys.

Ironically, Five Guys was the favorite fast food joint, and meeting point, of all the horsemen. Which was rather interesting seeing as, in reality, there were only four horsemen, and only 3 of them were male.

Famine came next, his skinny frame almost skeletal. He wore a tattered hoodie and had just left one of those fancy restaurants where rich people, pay too much money for too little food. Places like that were his comfort.

His eyes were sunken, and he looked as if he hadn't eaten in weeks, which might as well have been the case, as he tended to enjoy small meals, (if you could even call them that) that seemed to consist of small snacks eaten together, that had no nutritional value of any kind.

His ride of choice was his black Harley-Davidson FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide. Which happened to be his most prized possession. Unlike war, famine's motorcycle had been a gift from Pestilence. Famine had disliked the idea, but went along with it anyways, as pestilence was a terrible person when upset. He too, knew that the time was upon them for a meeting, as pestilence had been sure to offer a reminder in their group chat. And so began to make his way across the traffic-ridden streets, toward their meeting point.

Pestilence was the third to appear, her face covered in what seemed to be mold. She wore a gas mask over her mouth and nose, as every breath she took, without the gas mask, caused a sickly virus to infect those who were near her. And she had just left her studio.

She was an artist, and she painted those in history claimed by sickness or unexplained death. Often painting people such as Napoleon Bonaparte, who had been killed by arsenic poisoning, found often in green pigments of his time, and coincidentally, the green wallpaper in the home he lived in before his death. Though his cause of death was written as ''stomach cancer'. Whish pestilence thought idiotic.

Pestilence's ride of choice was her pure white, 2005 Harley Davidson FXSTD softail deuce. Which she admired to the point where it was the only object she kept clean.

She made her way onto her bike and rode off to the designated meeting place.

Then there was Death. Death emerged from the shadows of the hospital he had been watching for the last few hours. He had been in the waiting room for hours now, and yet no one seemed to notice him. 

The hospital's power kept going out, and all the backup generators was mysteriously broken. Each time the power went out, all the machines in the hospital were shut off, whether it be heart monitors or life-support systems. Death watched as the hospital staff panicked, and people cried. Finally, he left. And the moment he did so the power returned to the building. Death was the quietest of the four, always lurking in the background, waiting, watching.

However, his choice of motorcycle, couldn't be louder. His choice was his pale off-white Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod. The fastest bike he could find. Death liked to ride fast, and dangerously. as he tended to swerve in and out of moving cars during his rides. Sending the fear of god into other reckless drivers who almost hit him.

Death made his way across the overcrowded parking lot of the hospital, towards his motorcycle, which stood out among the dark-colored cars. As he prepared to ride, he pulled his helmet over his head, hiding any features that people could distinguish.

He too, made his way to the Five guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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