chapter 3

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"this sucks!" trevor exclaimed over the phone. the couple had been facetiming for the last hour and trevor was finally realizing how much he hated being so far away from his girlfriend. it had been a total of four days since her arrival to toronto.  and in those four days, trevor thought he was about to go insane.

tori chuckled, "you act as if i'm not bothered by this too. i would much rather be with you than here."

"i don't know, you don't really seem all that upset," he narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend. tori just shook her head as she could tell he was joking.

"you're totally right i don't—"

the brunette was cut off by a knock on her door. before she could get a word out, her mom had already opened the door and walked over to her daughter's bed.

"tori, your father and i wanted to talk to you," tori's mom started to say but then noticed she was facetiming her boyfriend. she had never met the boy but heard good things about him through ellen. hannah continued, "oh, hi trevor! how are you?"

trevor smiled, "i'm going good! how are you mrs. monroe?"

"i'm doing just fine! thank you for asking!"

tori was sending her mom a death glare as she wanted her to get out. her mom had other plans though.

"trevor, do you mind if i steal your girlfriend real quick? her father and i need to discuss something with her," tori's mom asked her daughter's boyfriend.

"go for it," trevor responded.

his eyes then connected with tori's. he said to her, "i'll talk to you later, i love you!"

"i love you too!" tori grinned.

shortly after, the two hung up. tori's smile dropped as she turned to face her mom. she was trying to read her mom's expression but her mom remained neutral. this could get be either everything tori has ever wanted or her spirit would be completely demolished.

her mom ushered her off the bed and down the stairs to their living room. there, tori's dad was already sitting on the couch. he was patiently waiting for his wife and daughter to come down. he, like his wife, also showed no emotion on his face. this slightly scared tori as both were usually very expressive.

tori watched as her mom took a seat next to her dad on the couch. she stood there trying to analyze them when her did signaled her to sit in the chair across from them. tori was not enjoying this energy at all.

"i feel like i'm in trouble," tori stated as she sat opposite both her parents.

her dad laughed, "no, not in trouble. why would you say that?"

"you guys have no expression and you just told me to sit down!"

tori's mom spoke up, "well, we're not showing too much emotion because this is something that is really hard for us. we're both excited but also sad."

the brunette was confused. "i don't think i'm understanding what you're implying," she responded with her arms crossed.

her parents looked at one another as if trying to decide who should tell her the news. once they were done with their mental discussion, her dad answered, "your mother and i have done some thinking and we agreed to allow to you to move to montreal—"

tori let out a huge squeal, cutting her dad off. she got up and immediately hugged both parents while exclaiming 'thank you!' several times.

"hold on, your father didn't finish," hannah monroe interrupted the loving moment with her daughter. tori stepped back and returned to her seat before allowing her mom to continue. her mom added, "in order for you to move, you have to live with someone that we approve of. we are not just sending you there all by yourself and not living with anyone, especially some complete and total stranger."

tori started to complain, "how on earth do you except to find a roommate that you guys approve!"

"honey, you have to stop cutting us off," david stated with a chuckle. tori's entire attitude changed and went back to listening. he continued, "fortunately for you, one of my friends from high school has a daughter your age currently living in montreal and was interested in the two of you living together."

the young girl barely gave it any thought without replying, "yes!" her parents were stunned to say the least. they had assumed she would need a day to think things over.

"okay, that was fast. before you can leave, you do need to look for jobs in the area and set up some interviews. you can't go in blind," hannah said. david nodded his head in agreement.

tori had many things to think about before she started to pack for montreal. one thing she knew for certain was that she needed to talk to cole. maybe he could possibly help with her a job or at least recommend a place to her.

she smiled at her parents, "thank you guys so much! i'm not going to let you down and i will be looking for jobs right now! i'm gonna go do some digging."

her dad started to respond as she got up to go back to her room, "okay, don't stress yourself out. oh and don't forget to tell trevor, i'm sure he would like to know the good news!"

tori stopped dead in her tracks. her eyes widen in realization. trevor was not going to like this one bit. scratch looking into jobs, she needed to figure out a way to tell trevor she was moving even further away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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