Some notes before start.

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Before starting i would like to thankyou for choosing this story as your next read.

Now time for notes.

1} This book is undoubtedly fictional, therefore has no relation with reality.

2} English isn't my first language, so you might find few grammatical mistakes. Though I try, not to keep too many errors; if by chance you find any and wish to correct it, you can comment there or send me a DM for the same.

3} Even though I try to update regularly, sometime the update might be delayed due to my studies. Therefore I'll appreciate patience.

4} I love honest reviews, so do let me know your verdict on the following chapters.

5} All the comments are happily welcomed and I try to respond to each of them gladly, but the crude one's will be deleted by me gladly too, so please keep in mind of what you're commenting.

6} Unfair treatment, cheating and any kind of abuse is something I despise, thus there won't be any room in my story for that.

7} The idea and plot is completely mine. So while analog if you find any resemblance, it will be counted as a pure sheer of coincidence.

8} Lastly, we all love our adorable Shubish , so do I. Thus there won't be any inequity towards any character. Each and every individual is strong and powerful here.

There will be many Hindi dialogues here, Why? Simply because I love my language a lot ★

I hope, I was clear till now :)

Enjoy your reading !!!

Yours sincerely
Wizard 🪄
(I'll change my name in future)

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