03 | Assure you~

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As the meeting concluded, attendees bid farewell to one another and exited the room, leaving Maan and I alone in the conference room.

We looked out the window and noticed that the sun had already crossed its peak in the sky, casting a golden hue over everything. It's 3 in afternoon.

A eerie silence is spread across the meeting hall as we both are too exhausted to even speak. But soon he break it "Finally another day got wasted".

I hummed facing him and muttered a sure.

"i really despise that old man bhai" he whined making me chuckle, he's cute when he acts childish.

I glanced at him, to see him cracking his fingers, I ask "Why? What he did?"

"Who the hell likes someone who tests you every single time? like come on, he asked me questions at the end of every point I subjected" maan gave me a look taking out his coat, gliding it over the chair.

Smiling I replied "I handle them on regular basis though"

"God this is so tiring how do you even manage this brother?" He exclaimed, opening his wrist button, folding the sleeves.

"Just like I manage to hear you for a long time idiot" laughing, I sat down on the glass table, pushing the files away swiftly. I took off my coat and hurled it across the table. Damn I'm highly bone-tired.

I guzzled down the ice-cold water from the bottle, quenching my thirst after a long and boring meeting. I heard him saying "Bhai can you ever be serious about me?"

"Are you my partner? for me to be serious about you" I intervene him playfully as i love teasing him.

"No I'm not, I'm just of my bab-" here he's gonna rant again and I'm so bored to hear those same thing again and again, so I decided to cut in between.

"Ya ya i know don't start now. I know my choice can't be this bad" He looked at me while I pass him a water bottle. As he finishes gulping the water, he showed me a middle finger. This kiddo !

Once he is done, he paces in front of the window and opens it, to let some natural air in.

As he approached the chair in front of me, I couldn't help but laugh at his behaviour. With a purposeful stomp of his legs, he settled himself comfortably, pulling out his iPad and pencil, "Bhai I'm hung-"

Just as he was about to finish his thought, our father suddenly burst into the room, flinging the door wide open, unleashing a thunderous shout that echoed throughout the room "Shubman have you lost your mind?"

"Why dad what happened ?" When Maan asked, I glanced at him. The look on his face is blank though I know he must've done some mischief. I just hope it's not a big deal.

"What happened? you're asking this!" Dad stated furiously "have you checked the last page of your file dumb-head?"

As Maan and I exchange a perplexed glance, I felt a sudden surge of heat filling the room.

"Why? I mean what's on last page dad?" I asked.

"Check yourself what this unreliable brat has done!" As dad completed, he passed a file to me. Taking charge, I connected that pendrive to laptop to investigate the issue that had frustrated father so much.

Well honestly I'm not surprised, this monkey has put a Tom and Jerry picture meme to end his presentation file.

I'm out of words. Ye ladka pagal hai pura!

"Now saw what your rajkumar has done. Ek kam, sirf ek kam, ek din ke liye bola tha vo bhi isse nahi ho pata" Dad looked at Maan with disappointment on his face. He rubbed his forehead, a sign of frustration and stress.

Unreversible Fate ~ A SHUBISH/ISHMAN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now