Chapter 19: Ballad of Her Dreams

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Song Credits: Kintoru's Ballad - The Mimic Soundtrack

Italic - Importance/Texting //// Bold - Emphasis/Texting //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


I was being yelled at by my father, whose face was red from yelling. Glass bottles were around my knees. My face was bleeding.

My hands were on my head, trying my best to protect myself from the abuse. Everything hurt on my body. He scoffs.

"You know, if your mother didn't leave us, she would be the one getting this, and not you. But no, she doesn't care enough to come back for you." 

I feel him push me down, making me curl up in fear. I felt him kicking me around, making my screams louder. However nobody will save me, or hear me.


I hear his screaming, and the shatter of glass. My eyes meekly look up, seeing his body against the cabinet, glass shattered everywhere.

And a tall form was standing over his body. I panic, not recognizing them. Then I hear it, a soft voice calling out to me.

"Butterfly, are you alright?" Her red eyes look me over, widening in surprise at my beaten body. I sob out when she grabs me up, shushing me.

"Hey, hey. I'll make sure that he won't get you tonight, I promise." Sama's face was sad, seeing me like this must've broke her heart.

I hiccup. "Please, I can't be alone tonight. Just don't abandon me..." My hands grip onto her dress as my head leans on her.

Her hands run through my hair as she hums her tune. Sama's red eyes look down at me, and she kisses my head.

"Oh my darling, I never knew this is what you had experienced in the past. I'm so sorry that this happened to you." My body shakes from my crying.

My vision blurs, and Sama says, "I'll see you awake..." The horrible room fades, and I go to the waking world again...


Sama was there as soon as I wake up. She was reading a book I let her borrow, and as soon as she saw me awake, she immediately went to hugging me.

My arm was around her body as my girlfriend left kisses all over my face. I blush red when she takes my mouth to hers, kissing me deeply.

I groan out when she pushes me against the bed. "Ugh, I just want to keep you in bed here all day with meeeee." My eyes trail over to the door.

My eyes roll back when she unexpectedly kisses my neck. "What was that for Sama?" She smiles with her blood red lips.

"Well I figured that you might want attention after..." My eyes water, making the witch concerned. "What is it?"

I sigh. "I didn't have much growing up. My ex boyfriend never cared about me whenever I had a nightmare about my dad. He left too soon..." 

She looks protective. "Where is he? I need to teach this human a lesson. How dare he hurt you like that?" Her red eyes glow with rage.

Sama looked so beautiful like that. I put a hand out. "Hey, he'll never come back. Trust me, I put up security cameras a few years ago. If anyone tried getting in, they'd be thrown in jail."

Her eyes narrow. I knew Sama. She was a stubborn woman, yet here she was, protecting and loving me. Hah! Take that Eldritch God, she is useful.

Kintoru's creator sounded powerful, and scary. She must've been a disappointment when she failed him. And here she was, with a human, and was in a relationship with said human.

I take her hand, watching as she holds tightly. Her eyes soften at my action. Sama looked right at me, and I smile some.

"Besides, why would anyone dare to anger a witch?" Those were her first words to me, when we met. She was different then, and now she was my whole world.

I get up, stretching my body out. "C'mon, today's the day where I bring my grandparents flowers..." She nods, and gets up with me.


My hand was holding two bouquets of their favorite flowers, lillies. Sama was holding my other hand as well. We make it to the cemetery.

It was dim inside here. I lead her to their graves. I sit in front of them, tears leaking out of my eyes. I place the flowers respectively on the proper ones.

"Hey guys, I came today to visit you two. Things have been complicated for awhile now in my life... I also met somebody that made me whole again." Sama hugs me close, sitting with me.

"She sure is something. Yes it was wrong to love each other, but I'm changing ever since we met. She protects me from bad people. And I love her so much. I just wish you could meet her, and maybe even your future great grandchildren too?"

Her eyes widen at my confession. "You want kids with me? But what about...?" I sigh, taking her hands in mine. "I never said no. I'm just nervous about starting a family at such a young age. Or maybe someone might hurt the kids..."

Sama hums, hugging me close. I could feel their spirits watching us. They seemed happy that I had someone that actually loved me.

Tears do eventually come out, Kintoru making sure to keep me close as I sob my heart out. I missed them. They were like my real parents.

My mom left me at such a young age. A 6 year old that knew no wrong or right. Just being left with a horrible person like that isn't right.

After awhile, yes I calm down. Sama asks me gently, "Are you okay to get home? I can carry you if you want..." I nod. "Yeah, I'll be fine if you carry me. Sorry, I'm just tired now."

She laughs softly. "It's fine, you need sleep it seems. And I'll be right by you as well." I hum a yes as she takes us home.


I rub my sleepy eyes. My night was dreamless for once, but it was welcomed after such a horrible nightmare. Sama was absent, making my heart feel empty.

Panicking wouldn't help, but I had separation anxiety that drove me crazy. I stay in my bed, maybe she'll be back soon?

Then the door opens, Sama poking her head in. She had a huge smile on her face. "Morning Butterfly, sorry that I was out. I got someone for you."

She then reveals what she was holding, a black ferret. I squeal in excitement when she laughs at my happiness.

She hands me him, making me pet the little guy. "What was this for? This is unexpecting of you Kintoru." Her eyes soften at me.

"Well, you seemed sad after yesterday, so I decided to get you a friend to help you. And yes black, because why not?"

I almost squeal at the small little feet it had. Sama sits by me, smiling gently as I look at him. "So, what do you wanna name him?"

My eyes dart at hers, and then back at my little friend. The ferret sniffs at my hands.

"How about... Butterfly?"

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