Berries and Fresh Blood

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It's the scent of berries and fresh blood that permeates the midnight air. The chase has led us outside the palace, and now the target stands before me. I know Katrin's worried that I'm not home yet. But I just can't stop, not even to quell the fears of my sister. My commander took the rest of our squad to the stables. I headed for the trees. Only a foolish assassin would ever be caught near something so obvious as the stables. Only a foolish assassin would ever be caught. I try to think back to what the prince described about who attacked him. He said that his attacker wore a cloak and a mask that covered everything except the assassin's eyes. Though, I can't recall if he mentioned the color. A breeze sings through the trees, a deadly harmony just for us as we stand facing each other. "If you would show yourself, I could make this much less difficult on you," I coax, trying to get the assassin to speak. "You haven't fled into the night. Which means you aren't leaving until you finish what you started, or you yourself have perished." I draw out my dagger, keeping it close to my chest. I wait, wondering if the assassin will humor my cajoling or if I am only speaking to the wind. He doesn't approach me. Instead, he waits. "Who sent you? Our enemy kingdom? Or someone far deadlier?" I question, my grip tightening on my blade. The assassin doesn't speak. He only maneuvers so I can see his eyes. They're the color of aged sap in the cold season. I don't come any closer. My skin turns to gooseflesh as I realize this is not an ideal situation. I am confident in my skills, but I don't know how well this assassin is trained. "Who sent you?" I ask again. He blinks. Silence grows between us like a wall. I tense. "Say something!" The assassin stands to his full height. He's a few inches shorter than me. If he attacks, I think I could hold my own. I will have to, as both of us cannot leave alive. My duty commands it. Katrin's voice echoes in my mind of what she said to me before I left. "Please be careful, Lydia." "I'm trying my best, Kat," I think to myself. She was making cranberry sauce before I left. I hope I will make it home to try it. The assassin shifts his posture. Tension only builds. It's as if we both know how this is going to end. I can't call for my captain. I can't retreat. I won't retreat. I pledged my life to protect the king and his family from harm. The prince's life has been threatened before and it was threatened again tonight. Now, I extinguish the threat...or die trying. Waiting won't do me any good. He doesn't want to talk. He doesn't want to reason. I send up a silent prayer that Katrin will forgive me when I attack. The assassin doesn't match my blows, he only blocks and defends. He's toying with me. He knows he's stronger so he plays with me like a feline plays with its food. I don't stop my barrage of attacks. His defensive position only infuriates me and I push harder as a result. I don't land my hits, and my jabs become more desperate and dangerous. My breathing is heavy and laborious when I have to step back. The assassin doesn't return my assault. Instead, he lowers his hood, and my breathing hitches. "No..." I murmur. "I don't want to kill you, Lydia," Katrin laments. My world shatters around in chips of broken promises and shattered hopes. "You-You are... the one who tried to kill the prince..." my voice doesn't sound like mine. It's hollow and empty and crestfallen. Katrin's blonde locks shine in the moonlight almost mocking me. My sister's eyes lock onto mine in a silent plea. "I had to. I have to." "Katrin..." Her name is ash on my tongue. She shakes her head. "Don't make me kill you." My legs feel glued to the ground. My foolish sister. "Only one of us gets to leave alive." I raise my blade, the steel flashes as it reflects the moonlight. I can't do this. I made a promise. I swore my life to the crown. But my sister is my life and it wouldn't be worth living without her. There's no other way. I can't abandon everything I have worked for. I can't turn against the crown. I can't kill my own sister. I blink back the tears knowing what I have to do. I never thought that tonight would be the last time I ever got to see her. I memorize every freckle, every indent of her face. The one I'd grown up with. The one I have laughed and cried with. The one I will never see again. "I'm sorry," is all I say before I shove the blade into my own chest.

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