Blue or Pink?

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"We hadn't even decided the colors of the room yet."

"And it's already over."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know what you meant, but sometimes there's not a brighter side to look at. Is it so wrong to just be upset? Is it so wrong to grieve over memories that were never made?"

"I'm not saying you can't be heartbroken."

"Oh, but you are."

"Don't say that."

"No. You do this every time. Every time we start our family, and every time it's over before it begins, you take it on the chin. Does it even hurt you anymore? Your apathy--"

"Just because I don't communicate my hurt in the way you do doesn't mean I don't feel it. Everything weighs on me just as much as it weighs on you. I want this as badly as you do. Maybe even more than you."

"Then why are you still with me? Why can't you find someone who is actually able to give you the family you so desperately want?"

"Because no matter how badly I want to wake up to the sound of the patter of little feet, I want to go to sleep beside you more. I made promises to you, and they weren't contingent upon what you could give me. I made vows to you for every season—not just the happy ones."

"We haven't been in a happy season for a long time."

"Every time I come home and you're there, I'm in a happy season. Every time you tell me what you're thinking, no matter how outlandish it is, I'm in a happy season. Even when we come here to these appointments that do nothing but dash our hopes, I'm in a happy season because I get to do it with you. Every time you cry on my shoulder, I can't help but feel a little happy because I'm the shoulder you chose to cry on."

"At least one of us isn't stuck like this."

"Even though we look at things differently, we still go through them together."

"It didn't have to be this way."

"I don't want it any other way. Yeah, we made plans. Sure, we have timelines that we would like to stick to. But it's ultimately out of our control. And that's okay."

"Maybe...there's some truth to what you're saying."

"It just means we were always better together. You help me feel things, and I keep you grounded. A "

"Do you really feel that way?"

"Of course."

"Could you do me a favor?"

"Anything, love."

"I would very much like to cry on your shoulder now."

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