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Genesis A'malie Johnson

Genesis's POV

Genesis's POV

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3:34 PM

i got ready to see my mum at the nursery home just to see how she's going, and Keith was on his way
to the apartment to take me.

hope was working and hopefully she didn't mind Keith on her property..

I wore a long blue tight dress with a grey jean jacket and wore white slides.

my weave was left down after straightening it, and I slayed my edges.

staying at the apartment alone made me feel unsettle as I just moved with my sister, but keith has been coming over for a while, so I felt calm.

I can't lie, I love spending time with him but I'm scared if I would hurt myself again which is why I promise myself I would never be in a relationship.

I guess I would never find my light after all.

I heard a knock on the door and also a text message from keith, saying he was at the door.

I checked through the small hole and opened it, seeing him, i had a funny feeling in my belly after seeing him in his outfit, he had the on black jeans with white graphics and a plan white tee with silver chains around on his chest, wrist, ears and neck.

"hey" I smiled waving at him, he made me smile too much and I don't know why😵‍💫

"wasgood?" he smiled coming towards me having his arms out and I walked in his arms and feeling his arms wrapping around my lower waist as I had mine around his neck standing on my tippie toes, I smelt his scent on him that always kept the same, the strong cologne scent mix with weed.

"yo sis here?" he asked still having his arms around my lower waist.

"she at work" I said looking up at his tall figure he let go of me as we both walk back in the apartment.

"she alright wit me staying witchu in ha house?"

"yeah" I said untruthfully, I just didn't know how I would tell her, then again she wouldn't care.

"you wan sum to eat or drink"

"nah I'm good jit"

"ian go lie da room was hot y'all ain't got no AC?"

"my sister to stingy to pay for it to be fix"

"let me know when you ready to go ight?"

"I'm ready"

"ight come on"


we arrive at the place and i slowly felt anxious, to the point where I was breathing fast, and I was shaking, I usually bring my sketch book which calms my anxiety but I left it in my room, which got me worried.

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